- Early Summer 2018
- 9
- 10
- Early Summer 2017
- 13
- 4
- Late Winter 2017
- 21
- 1
- Mid Winter 2017
- 8
- 1
- Early Winter 2017
- 12
- 3
- Early Summer 2018
- 9
- Early Summer 2017
- 13
Not bad for a stick bought from poundland! #butterflybush
I bought the same one from there 😊
I've got that one too 😊
Hope your both having the same success!
- Late Winter 2017
- 21
Coming on nicely!
- Mid Winter 2017
- 8
Spring is coming 😀
- Early Winter 2017
- 12
Doesn't look much but hoping this will be pretty come summer :) #butterfly bush
Lovely, they get big over the years 🦋🦋🦋x
My husband has an enormous one in their yard at work I shall keep it trimmed till we hopefully have our own house so i can move it :)
Is this really buddleia? Looks like spirea 😮
Hmm @ublaszko I think your right I was looking at that just this morning pound land for you my laveteria turned out to be malva!
Haha! Sounds as close as my Poundland mock orange turning out to be deutzia 😂😂
Oh well I guess it's a lucky dip @ublaszko 😂😂
@ublaszko I did buy a spirea but it's meant to be pink 😲
The pink flat headed one? White one, pink one same thing really 😉😂😁
At least the shrubs they mixed up for me were pretty close. I wanted mock orange and I got deutzia. Both are white and have similar leaves and even I sometimes have difficulty telling the difference but a seller should know really.
@ublaszko 😂 oh well its nice and the bees like the leaves for the bee house 🏡 🐝 I don't know just know it was pink. Found it on here lol. Well yes they should. At least yours are similar! 😊
Yeah, they were right about one thing then. That it attracts wildlife. Although they didn't put it down that the bees would also take chunks out of the leaves 😂😂😂
Exactly they missed that one off the discription 🤣🤣