Help me identify this sedum. Sold as ice plant. Blooms open every day bright sun noon is fully open for 2 hours approx. and closes at evening for 2-3 weeks. Pollinated but got no seeds on this one. Early to mid summer blooms veining crawling plant. Approx 3cm elongated slightly faceted 5mm thick leaves. Prolific bloomer no special conditions. Even blooms at full sun through windows in outdoor (warm) atrium room
Help me identify this sedum. Sold as ice plant. Blooms open every day bright sun noon is fully open for 2 hours approx. and closes at evening for 2-3 weeks. Pollinated but got no seeds on this one. Early to mid summer blooms veining crawling plant. Approx 3cm elongated slightly faceted 5mm thick leaves. Prolific bloomer no special conditions. Even blooms at full sun through windows in outdoor (warm) atrium room
Vining, grouund crawling plant. Vines sprout roots "I believe" at sections. Ground covering type.