Arum italicum
Italian lords and ladies
Mid Autumn 2017
- 3
Early Autumn 2017
- 3
Early Autumn 2017
- 7
Early Autumn 2017
- 10
Late Summer 2017
- 3
Mid Spring 2017
- 3

Arum italicum
Mid Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

This #arum is loving this cool weather. #newgrowth #candleflower #italianlordsandladies #orangeflower #araceae #jackinapulpit #startingmywintergarden

I love these and haven't had, or seen any, in years!

@columbiariver it does! What mine does is come up in the spring look fabulous, get a couple of flowers on it then flop and go mushy by mid summer and then late summer get the bright orange berry clusters! Kinda cool!!💘😍
Early Autumn 2017

Getting another leaf😍 This is called #lordsandladies #jackinthepulpit #candleflower #arum It grows it's #foliage during the cooler months. Then looses it leaves to only show off its Beautiful Blooming #orangeflowers 😯😊😍 #startingmywintergarden #araceae

Wonerful! Do you keep it outside or inside? @acetaker

Kim,It's an outside plant. It thrives on the colder season to grow it's leaves,for the forming of the bloom in Spring. III really like the oddity of it. I'm leaving it out at my glider,since it likes it there so far..😉😊😁 it's my first yr growing it..still have fingers crossed.😯😏😊😉😁 @kimguy

I think I might have a little group of these

@momasherri how long have u had them?

@acetaker. Best of🍀

They were here when we moved in 4years ago, I don't know how old #acetaker
Early Autumn 2017

My #arum or can be also called, #italianlordsandladies leaves r unfolding more daily. I had 3 planted and this one is showing it 1st signs. This #foliage will grow during the winter months to only bring a #orangeflower in Spring-Summer. #candleflower #jackinthepulpit #araceae #startingmywintergarden

Oh, I love the name and also the leaf colors.

Jenn, I saw u put it on your wishlist...make sure u CK and see if it's on the invasive list there. They will take over. I'm going to be putting/keeping mine in pots til I can make a raised bed for them and a few other flowers that I know won't cancel each other out. Any ideas? @jennlamaye @lovestogarden

Janice,I had 3 but this was the only 1 that came up. When I started seeing signs of this one,I went on a hunting mission in the other pot...GONE!😢

I'm thinking the cold would keep them at bay. I haven't seen any here. 😉

Ok..I was just wanting to let u know. I'm sure U've read up on it😁 @jennlamaye

Besides lemon balm and willowherb, I don't see anything else really invasive here. Lol.

Cool,Jenn☺️💕 @jennlamaye

Oh, well, Chris. You got one!

@acetaker. The markings on that leaf are cool!
Late Summer 2017

Yayyy!! Introducing the first signs of #foliage of my #orangecandleflower Now to see if the other 2 peek through! I'm doing the dance...Well the hop..lmao!!! #araceae #lordsandladies #orangeflower

@rennezoe Lookie👀 We were talking of it awhile bk. It made my day to see I had been doing something right for it to start to grow😍

Nice!! Can't wait to see 🤗
Mid Spring 2017

This is what my plant will look like(in time) I receive 3,so potted for now. I may plant 1 in Autum. ALSO KNOWN: #Orangecandleflower - #invasive if not kept potted and self sown by the pods on stem or fibrosis roots. #poisonous if ate and will cause #skinirritation ,if in contact with pods.


This is a Beauty..I just had to have it. I got the roots in Spring and hopefully this fall I'll see the foliage for the first time. Then her colors in spring/summer of 2018. If she does well I will b glad to share with u😍
I had to repotted my #candleflower So,Now she has plenty of room to grow. I gave her a boost of miracle grow and she'll keep on going😍 #italianlordsandladies #orangeflowers #arum #araceae #jackinthepulpit #startingmywintergarden
This is lovely!!💘😍
Thxs @ShelleySnyder I had 3 of them at the beginning of planting. Momma always said plant 2 extra just incase..She's Right Again..hehe!😉😊🤗😍