Brugmansia 'Sunray'
Angel's Trumpet 'Sunray'
Late Autumn 2017
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Mid Autumn 2017
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Mid Autumn 2017
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Mid Autumn 2017
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Brugmansia 'Sunray'
Late Autumn 2017
Mid Autumn 2017

The #sunray are slowly showing #newgrowth But,they they can take a hiatus just as we! #angeltrumpet #fragrant #lightyellow #bellshapedflowers #brugmansia

Mid Autumn 2017

@shelleysnyder My #sunray #angeltrumpet has #newroots forming. #lightyellow #fragrant #bellshapedflower #bells #brugmansia #solanaceae #anticipation

Hooray hooray!!💛💛💘😍
Mid Autumn 2017

AHH, This #angeltrumpet named #sunray is a Great addition #gifted by @shelleysnyder for My Garden #brugmansia #stemcuttings #upclose #startingmywintergarden #solanaceae #fragrant #lightyellow #bellshapedflowers #bells #sharingwithfriends #sharingwithlove #anticipation

@Acetaker Be very careful with these plants as they are extremely poisonous ☠️ 🙏🏼

@pixierose TY! I've read up on these and saw that,so gloves etc is the way I'll b going👍😊

Hey girl!! I've never worried about the plant on my hands only the leaves being ingested by someone's pet!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder I have to wear gloves or let me say should wear to my skin being so sensitive. But 9 outta 10, I remember after the fact.. bwahaha! I didn't wear them yesterday and I'm still here..lmbo!😉😊😀😂

Be careful then!! At least this doesn't ooz any kind of sap or anything!💘😍

Nah,I'll be alright...u r not gardening til u get dirty...hehe!! @ShelleySnyder

Yep!! Gardening is a dirty job but someone has to do it!!😂😂😂😂👍💘😍
WOW!! This #sunray 😎 #angeltrumpet has shot off alot of #newgrowth and is showing its #leafshape after just *1 wk* I can only hope is can hold it back from outgrowing it's! #brugmansia #solanaceae #fragrant #lightyellow #bellshapedflowers
Sunray is looking very good too!!💘😍