Coreopsis tinctoria
Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Late Summer 2017
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Late Spring 2017
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Late Spring 2017
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Late Spring 2017
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Coreopsis tinctoria
Early Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

#foliage of #coreopsis which are late growing,are left in my back #wildflower garden.🌻These get huge,so I don't see these blooming b4 the first frost. #calliopsis #yellowmagentaflowers
Early Autumn 2017

Another #wildflower #calliopsis ,which made it through all the summer wind storms and cleanup. It's grown and bloomed, #yellowandmahogany and with a dramatic show of 2ft H x 2ft W This #collage just doesn't do it justice😍 #yellow

I wanted to let you know that your seed packages are a little different than the others I sent out... Marigold mix, zinna, globe allium, chive and forget me nots!

I saw that...Lovem!😍 @KariSamuel
Late Summer 2017

I have found out what the Mystery Plant finally will be. It's the taller and more fuller version on the wild #calliopsis When it blooms I'll finally be able to add all info in😁 Phew...This is the #wildflower bed that has been Beaten down with Storms from Spring til Now with these winds laying some of its height down. Hopefully it will recover since we r going to have some nice days this weekend.😍🦋🦋 #greenfoliage coreopsis ? Calliopsis?

@cyndi..I just hope all my searching is right.. hehe!🦋
Late Spring 2017

AHHH, Hello World🌎 I'm Here!Ghost is also called , 'Plains Coreopsis' ☺🌼🌈🌞 #calliopsis #upclose #macro #coreopsis #wildflower

@Acetaker well hello to you too!!💛

TY! Miss Shelley...I came out on such a pretty sunny🌞 day! @ShelleySnyder

Very pretty 💛❤️

TY! Vanessa☺ @nessas
Late Spring 2017

Won't be long and she'll pop with color!😊 #tickseed #wildflower #upclose #coreopsis #calliopsis
Late Spring 2017

Help me identify this plant. Kari, can u tell if this is the Cleome u sent me? I'm in so hopes that I didn't loose them in the storm.😔 @KariSamuel #coreopsis #colliopsis #upclose #perrenials #yellowmahoganyflower #wildflower #tickseed

Sure look like them! 💗

Cool!Kari,I was in so hopes it was😊 @KariSamuel

🤔 no ID comes to mind. 🕵 I'm not doing well today on these! 😱

@lovestogarden it's ok I'm not!

Thanks, Chris. 💚

@KariSamuel Kari,it's sad to say but it not the one😢 I got to looking alittle more and unless they pop up out of the blue, which would b great,I've lost them😟😢

@lovestogarden @KariSamuel found I'd on plant...TADA! 😂


Yes, I should have known by the leaves. Also known as #tickseed

Thxs Kari😆 I'm learning these wildflowers slowly. .lol!😉 @KariSamuel
The #calliopsis is towering over the other flowers. This #wildflower has really given a show this growing season💕 #coreopsis #yellowmagentaflowers
THXS!@cyndi I guess it's the passion of wanting it all to grow right..but I know u have to have Bobos!