Euphorbia trigona rubra
African milk tree
Mid Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
- 1
Late Summer 2017
- 2
Late Summer 2017
- 7
Late Summer 2017
- 4
Mid Summer 2017
- 1

Euphorbia trigona rubra
Mid Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

YAYY! The #africanmilktree #cactus is growing crazy right now. 🌵 #euphorbia #euphorbiaceae #succulent #shadeloving
Late Summer 2017

#africanmilktree has alot of #newgrowth It's liking the #airspritzing in the morning and nighttime.

That looks really good. I had that one it got so tal I have to wedge it where my back door meet the house like up in the corner so it wouldn’t tip over those are really start taking off!!
Late Summer 2017

#africanmilktree has #newgrowth on sides and top. Hope it does well overwinter in my made up greenhouse.😍 #cactus #africanmilkbush #friendshipcactus #euphorbia #candelabracactus

@Acetaker it should do just fine!!👍👍💘😍

@Acetaker I had one for yrs. but last winters cold days here killed it. They really get large

@terrimclaughlin can't wait..I'd always wanted one but didn't have space or area where it would get good light. Next yr I'll have to place it in a pot alone. I've got it in with my mother of thousands..only pot I had left that would hold them both and not interfere with each ones growth.

I think it's ok for awhile probably trough next year not sure but you'll know I can't remember the root system of that milk tree.

Not sure if I have this kind but it's similar if not the same species. And it has nice long leaves on it 2 months after it got sun burned

So Sorry @Doomsdoor @terrimclaughlin showed me hers they do get big
Late Summer 2017

My #africanmilktree #africanmilkbush #friendshipcactus #candelabracactus #euphorbia has a new pot and #blooms Ready to settle in to grow,grow,grow 😍#succulent #succulentsunday #cactus

I love those plants to bad mine died

I was #gifted these and I'm loving them..never had seen them but in pics @hannahchristine

Mine was huge too but yeah when they get big they look so pretty
Mid Summer 2017

My #africanmilktree #friendshipcactus is already showing #newgrowth #candelabracactus #euphorbia #africanmilktree #succulent #succulentsunday #cactus
#africanmilktree #euphorbia #euphorbiaceae #succulent #cactus #shadloving
Mine has huge leaves