Geranium x johnsonii 'Johnson's Blue'
Cranesbill 'Johnson's Blue'
Mid Autumn 2017
- 5
Early Autumn 2017
- 5
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 2
Late Spring 2017
- 3
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 4

Geranium x johnsonii 'Johnson's Blue'
Mid Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

Time to think of a good place to put the #johnsonsblue #geranium Fall Days are here with temp bring in the 40s tonight..brrrr!🍃📁💨🥀 #geraniaceae #lavenderblueflowers #perrenials #cranesbill #springflowers #groundcover

I'm already getting down in the 30's! Brrrrr!!😠💘😍

💩 ok thought 40s was cold for me right now! @ShelleySnyder

Yeah it's cold here alrighty but with our crazy weather it could be in the 50's in a few days!! Ya just never know what yer gonna get around here!! LOL!!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder it's the same way!!😊
Mid Summer 2017

She's hanging with #lavenderblueflowers all overā£ā¤ #geranium #cranesbill #johnsonsblue #geraniaceae #springflowers #groundcover
Late Spring 2017
Late Spring 2017

Loving the bk deck😆 #cranesbill #johnsonsblue #geranium #upclose #groundcover #lavenderblueflowers #perrenials #hangingbaskets #springflowers #geraniaceae

@Acetaker your doing a great job I wish you were closer there's nothing like a good conversation about out plants and flowers. Where is it you live. I thought you said you had lived here in Texas at one time @terrimclaughlin

Hey! Terri,I live in N. Alabama(Arab). I lived in San Antonio,Texas when I was way younger. Lol!😉 It was one of the many places I had lived,Military Brat,moving around,but I remember it well. Loved living there😆 It would be great to have someone close to have convo with. I am home alone all day M-F til hubby comes in. There isn't anyone I really chat with but you all here,well of course my😉 @terrimclaughlin
Late Spring 2017

My #firstbloom is Opening! 😍😎 #lavenderblueflowers #cranesbill #johnsonsblue #geranium #perrenial #geraniaceae #groundcover #springflowers
Late Spring 2017

LOOKIE!👀😮 Overnight pics of the new additions to My Garden. They All (3) are doing great,but this one has the 1st bloom.😎🙇🙆 #geranium #lavenderblueflowers #perrenials #collage #johnsonsblue #cranesbill #geraniaceae #groundcover #springflowers
Late Spring 2017

This baby is loving it's hanging pot and the other 2 I planted in the flowerbed I just finished. They r doing well too. #geranium #collage #lavenderblueflowers #groundcover #johnsonsblue #cranesbill #geraniaceae #perrenials #springflowers
Mid Spring 2017

Heres my New Addition...The pic on the right will b what she'll look like soon! Cant Wait!😍🌞 #johnsonsblue #geranium #upclose #groundcover #cranesbill #lavenderblueflowers #hangingbaskets #geraniaceae #perrinials #springflowers #collage

What is the white in the ground

I adore blue flowers.

Katie @ktemory it's sand. I put it in all my mixtures(hanging pots,potted plants,and the ground) and on top as well. It keep NATS,UGGGHH!😠 out of the soil. That Helps Alot when u r bringing them inside. Gretchen @MamaG I like blue/purple too much. I keep finding myself looking at!😉😊
The #foliage of my #cranesbill #johnsonsblue #geranium is loving the cooler weather. #geraniaceae #lavenderblueflowers #perrienials #springflowers #groundcover
You wouldn't have any extra seeds, would you? 😁
@lesliecole49 Leslie, I collected and they were spilled by my grandson. He was trying to help Mawmaw. They went in-between the boards on deck😏 I will collect more First of Summer and if U still want some I'll be glad to send u some then..
@Acetaker can I please have a bit of this lol!?
I just put it in the ground last week. If u can wait til Spring.... I can give u s larger section. @pretty_paws_29