Hibiscus syriacus
Rose Of Sharon
Late Summer 2017
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Late Summer 2017
- 7
Late Summer 2017
- 13
Mid Summer 2017
- 3
Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 7
Late Spring 2017
- 2
Early Spring 2017
- 4

Hibiscus syriacus
Late Summer 2017
Late Summer 2017

Its Hard to believe that just last yr,about this time this baby was just 3 #stemcuttings I was twinning together as it grew. It gave me 1 bloom to show me it was ok...Now,Loving the these #lavenderblooms They are almost bigger than the #tree and limbs combined. I am so tickled to see it doing so well! I guess next yr it will catch up. I'm going to take more cuttings and hopefully I'll have more babes. 🌸 #roseofsharon #hibiscus #rosa-sinensis #malvaceae

They blooms r soo perfect and pretty Hannah gave me a cutting it's in rooted and now is in a small pot hopefully it'll get going next spring

@terrimclaughlin its a shrimp plant silly you forgot again 😂😂lol jk but i wish i could get rose of sharon to propogate

Very pretty @Acetaker

@hannahchristine All I did was make sure when I cut them that I had 3 leaf sections to take off at the bottom,going into soil I just had regular soil,placed rocks in bottom of pot,soil,planted cuttings,and watered til it ran out of pot well,then mulched in a thick layer,keep mulch off of cuttings..(I placed river rock(small ones) around cuttings to make sure there was air flow)for overwintering. Leave the rest of leaves on and let them fall off naturally. It's not to late to try...⬇️

Just Make Sure to keep it out of direct North Winds if u keep it outside. Mine did stay and it came back. During the winter months..water it alittle,but make sure u have good drainage. I hope this helps you with the #roseofsharonpropagation Let me know how it grows😍

I should right maybe hv some next yr like you say not to late to try @acetaker
Late Summer 2017

This little #roseofsharon #tree was 3 stemcuttings last yr. I'm so proud that it's coming along so Fabulous and the #lavender #hibiscus #blooms are everywhere on her this yr. 💕💖

@Acetaker wow!!💗💗💗

Beautiful! My new saved ROS is currently thriving with new leaves shooting out! Can't wait til it grows better next year & hopefully with blooms too!

@veepaisal Cool❣️ Did u take cuttings and start yours?

I just received some rooted cuttings last week...hope mine do this well by next year! @Acetaker

Oh they will Andrea❣️All I did was I placed them in potting soil..just a regular one and put some sand in it to make it gritty,kept soil good and moist,placed plenty of mulch in the pot and made sure I kept it protected from North Winds. I'm was lucky enough to see mine have 1 bloom on I,so if it hadnt of done well

Oh they will Andrea❣️All I did was I placed them in potting soil..just a regular one and put some sand in it to make it gritty,kept soil good and moist,placed plenty of mulch in the pot and made sure I kept it protected from North Winds. I'm was lucky enough to see mine have 1 bloom on I,so if it hadnt of done well,it gave me a Smile... @drea0508

Awesome!!! Hopefully I can do this successfully! For some reason I don't do so well with transplants or progration. But I received a lot of different cuttings some with roots and some with not...so I will find out how well I've matured since last year...lol I did not add sand though, I do have some I can add. Do you think I need to add the sand? @Acetaker

If u have already planted it don't bother the baby..it will mess up process it's making. But u can just add it to other plants as u do pots. I just found it works well with any soil and helps keep out knats etc when added to top of soil b4 mulching or adding Rock for Appearance and helps hold heat for plant.💕 @drea0508

@Acetaker no Chris, it wasn't cuttings. Someone threw out entire plants with roots so I saved them and gave most away but kept 3. One large plant and 2 smaller ones that placed in a pot.

Thanks for the advice. Will start doing that @Acetaker

Let me know how it goes😍 Sorry for duplicate messages.. #gttechproblems going on
Mid Summer 2017

My Baby's Growing Up❣#pink #roseofsharon

So far, mine's doing well, also

U Go Girl❣I'm glad yours is..my neighbors,is a Senior, died and So, I have her a couple stem cuttings..I'll keep a CK on them for her.😍 @lesliecole49
Mid Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2017

WOW!! My #roseofsharon has #pinkflowers I raised this from 3 #stemcuttings and last yr she had a few purple flowers. The soil has slot to do with your colors and this really proved it here..lol! #hibiscus #tree

I never knew that soil conditions could to that to a hibiscus too!
Early Summer 2017

Sun kissed this morning. My #roseofsharon is grown so much from the cuttings last yr. Can't wait to see her bloom. #hibiscus #purpleflowers #tree
Early Summer 2017

My little #stemcutting 🌳is growing up. It won't be long til it won't need Mom anymore or til babies r here anyway.....bwahaha!😉😊😁😂😂😂 #roseofsharon #tree #purpleflowers #hibiscus

I love these :) used to have a spectacular one on stem. It died sadly but I have a pretty bicolored white and red bush that's taken the torch as replacement.

@Acetaker this might seem like a silly question but what is stem cutting? #stilllearning

@mommamal5712 Its not a silly question at all girl😊 Stem cutting I'd when u take and cut a piece,say for instance this plant,their weren't any seedlings so I cut 3 hard stems,at an angle, off of the tree,make sure u give your cutting enough length to take leaves off bottom,about 3-4 each and place them into soil to root. I have used any soil. Then place it where it doesn't get direct sun, morning sun and afternoon shade. I hope this helps u and I didn't ramble on. Cont. Next line

U can do this with any plant..Just let me know if I can help with anything. I'll try and if I don't know we'll find someone who does 😊😍❣🌹

@Acetaker thank you for explaining! In the past I always had horrible luck with plants but when my mom passed away almost 2 years ago my step dad let me have most of her plants. I've had really good luck with all of hers. I haven't killed any of them! One of them is a Rose of Sharon and that one means the most to me (it's kinda a long story). I didn't know that you could do stem cutting with it to get a new plant. Thank you again for your help!

Anytime Mallory @mommamal5712 the Rose of Sharon mean alot to me too, Also I have a unknown unknown named rose that was here when we moved in now it as well mean alot. Both are in memory of my mom...who is/was my best friend😍😊
Late Spring 2017
Early Spring 2017

This is my stem cuttings from last yr. Flowering Purple and Still twisting the 3 together in hopes she'll be as Gorgeous as I forsee. #macro #hybiscus #roseofsharon #springgarden #springtime

Love rose of sharon

Great job!!!! I just adore rose of Sharon but haven't seen purple yet.

@angeljen I got 3 stem cuttings last summer and started twinning them together. It bloomed and then I knew...I DID IT! Hehe! 😊
Ahh,I just love to watch this #tree ,that I raised from stem cuttings,come to life with it's #lavenderflowers #roseofsharon #hibiscus