Wax Plant
Mid Autumn 2017
- 6
Late Summer 2017
- 1
Late Summer 2017
- 1
Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Mid Summer 2017
- 5
Mid Summer 2017
- 5
Early Summer 2017
- 3
Mid Spring 2017
- 4

Mid Autumn 2017
Late Summer 2017

All the 3 different #hoya #cuttings I placed in the this one #hangingbasket are growing Great. They r loving the humidity in there new room...hehe!😍 #waxplant #fragrant #hoyacarnosa #rubra #apocynaceae #tropical #vine #waxblooms #houseplant #porcelainflowers #crimsonprince #krimsonprincess #krimsonqueen #hoyakerii #tearsofchrist #jesustears
Late Summer 2017

3 of my #hoya plants are in this #hangingbasket #rubra #crimsonprince #hoyacarnosa #porcelainflower #waxplant #tropical #vine #waxblooms #fragrant #houseplant #apocynaceae #hoyakerii #krimsonprincess #krimsonqueen #jesustears #tearsofchrist
Mid Summer 2017

This is the combination of 3 #hoya plants that I put in a #hangingbasket together. @lovestogarden #hoyacarnosa is on the far left that u #gifted to me and had rooted within 1 wk. The #hoyarubra has the medium shade of green for color or called #krimsonprince is on top right and #hoyakerii on bottom left These will all grow together since they were such small #cuttings that I had growing #vine #fragrant #waxblooms #waxplant #carnosa These plants have so many names and Looks

#tearsofchrist #jesustears
Mid Summer 2017

Yesterday, they all 3 different #hoyas took in some early morning 🌞 my plants were so small and had numerous #vines that for them to not get broken in regular pots, I filled this #hangingbasket #hoyacarnosa #waxplant #vine #fragrant #waxblooms #rubra or #crimsonprince #krimsomprincess #krimsonqueen #tropical #apocynaceae #waxvine #adventitious #succulent #starshapedflowers #tearsofchrist is its given name #porcelainflower #tearsofchrist #jesustears

@Acetaker, Is this also known as Jesus tears? I have a plant similar my friend gave me and that's what she calls it.

So interesting, @seemore , I looked it up, and it is the same plant. It is a plant with so many common names, I am ever hearing a new one. Thank you for adding to my list. 😀 #jesustears

@lovestogarden, you bet! At least i know different names now too!!!

@seemore @lovestogarden be careful on the different types of hoyas,they go by different names and the original calling is #tearsofchrist ,by biblical naming. U can find it under #jesustears since the name has been used so much. I wish I could have atleast half of the Hoya collection found..lol!😍ā¤ I have 3 different ones in the planter since they all were started from stemcuttings 1 or 2 yrs ago and the vining had gotten out of hand for a sitting basket. 👍😍
Mid Summer 2017

Here is your #hoyacarnosa #cuttings u sent as a #gift @lovestogarden I placed them in with the huge #hangingbasket I combined. Filled with now 3 types of #hoya #tearsofchrist #jesustears

Nice! Will they all have the same type of flower?

@lovestogarden Sorry just saw your comment..the names are.. #crimsonprince #rubra #krimsonprincess #krimsomqueen #pinkflowers #hoyakerrii #whiteflowers #hoyacarnosa has #creamywhiteflowers others have yellow, darker pink #waxblooms

Nice. I will enjoy seeing all when they bloom.

I will love it to..I've been waiting awhile for it!😍 @lovestogarden
Early Summer 2017

Just a shot of my #hoyas I have. #indianrope or #hinduropehoya top left #rubra left side #hoyacarnosa bottom right All these are #stemcuttings that have grown this far. #waxplant

On my wish list, they all look great! Thanks for sharing love

@mardel hope u find them 😍
Mid Spring 2017

My #hoya are doing great!

I want to get some of these.

Mariel @mardel I just took individual pics to show..lol!😁 I'll post soon..ttyl!

#waxplant #waxblooms #vine #fragrant #hoyarubra #crimsonprince #krimsonprincess #krimsonqueen (in middle) #hoyaindianrope (on left) #hoyacarnosa (on right) #jesustears #tearsofchrist
The combos of #hoya #cuttings have made a nice sized #hangingbasket Once Spring arrives I'll be taking them and placing in different pots of there own. Maybe I'll get to see a #fragrant #waxbloom or 2 this yr. #hoyacarnosa #rubra #crimsonprince #krimsonprincess #krimsonqueen #hoyakerii #waxplant #apocynaceae #tropical #houseplant #vine #porcelainflowers #tearsofchrist #jesustears
OH!!!!!! I'm gonna need some cuttings LOL! That is beautiful girlie!
Thxs Samantha! It's 0ot is filled with cuttings I had. It was the only way I knew I could place them and they get enough light and grow. @pretty_paws_29 make sure u wishlist and remind me girl..lol!
Yes ma'am, you know I will haha!
Great cause my memory stinks @pretty_paws_29
On my wish list ..