Lablab purpureus syn. Dolichos lablab
Hyacinth Bean
- Early Autumn 2017
- 23
- 2
- Early Autumn 2017
- 11
- 7
- Early Autumn 2017
- 15
- 1
- Mid Summer 2017
- 17
- 2
Lablab purpureus syn. Dolichos lablab
- Early Autumn 2017
- 23
- Early Autumn 2017
- 11
LOOKIE❣️😮I HAVE BLOOMS❣️I planted this #hyacinthbeanplant late,for it to #vine up the lightpole and hoped for it to grow. After thinking I wouldn't get to see how pretty the #purpleblooms were..TADA❣️I walk outside to sit and look over...😯 DOIN THE DANCE AND SMILIN!! 🕺😍🕺😍 @bpetty55 What's next and how do I find seedpods? #lablab #ornamental #hyacinth #annual #hyacinthbeanvine
Whoo Hoo!!!💜
Oh, yay!! Awesome! They'll form dark purple pods behind the blooms- very pretty and noticeable pods..... just don't pick them right away- gotta let the seeds form in there completely, first.... and u can kinda tell when the seeds have formed just by their shape thru the pod
Do they need to completely dry on vine? We r getting some colder air around 45° and rain coming in tonight,but the highs in 70s. Will the it hurt it's growing? @bpetty55
I don't think so, but it's the first yr I've grown them, so I couldn't say for sure
@cyndi I had some do the same. I didn't think these seedlings were ever going to grow. Fingers Crossed I get seeds and I'll get the fairy to come your way..hehe!!
- Early Autumn 2017
- 15
#hyacinthbeanplant is starting to #vine ...I hope She can stay warm long enough to bloom and give me seeds❣️ #fingerscrossedtightly #lablab #vine #purpleflowers #hyacinthbeanvine #ornamental #hyacinth #annual
- Mid Summer 2017
- 17
The #seedlings are ready for homes. One will b planted in a hangingbasket and the other will go to the Pole Garden, where one of his buddies awaits.💕 #purpleflowers #hyacinthbeanplant #vine #ornamental #hyacinth #annual #hyacinthbeanvine
Yep @cyndi the leaves on mine were a little more purple tho...
WOW! U can really tell the ☀️ difference for 1pm in Alabama. She's loving it too! Grow Baby Grow!! I need those seeds..hehe!! #hyacinthbeanplant #vine #purpleflowers #lablab #hyacinthbeanvine #ornamental #annual
Nice! And yes, The Autumn sun angles...finally having some Autumn temps here in Pa...