Late Spring 2017
Late Spring 2017

Ahh,in bloom filling in bk yard. Love the colors I have this yr. #crepemyrtle #pinkflower #tree

No,I hadn't collected seeds for these @cyndi I hadn't thought to do it. There are so many different ones I guess I should of atleast too cuttings of the dark pink one since there is only 1 around here. They are all sheading now. I'll have to look and see how to and if I've missed timing on seeds.
Sashaying in the wind over fence this morning. I love this color😍 #crepemyrtle #tree #whiteflower #collage
I love every color they come in! What a staple to any southern landscape!
Wish u could see it in real time,Laura. I'm amazed at the ways the shade and sun hit them in the morning. @columbiariver
If I had the room..I'd love to have them all too,Brittney. They r so lovely! @bpetty55