Mirabilis jalapa
Marvel Of Peru
- Mid Autumn 2017
- 14
- 2
- Early Autumn 2017
- 31
- 1
- Early Autumn 2017
- 17
- 7
- Mid Summer 2017
- 3
- 3
- Early Summer 2017
- 13
- 5
- Early Summer 2017
- 11
- 1
- Early Summer 2017
- 11
- 1
- Early Summer 2017
- 14
- 2
- Early Summer 2017
- 8
- 1
- Late Spring 2017
- 9
- 7
Mirabilis jalapa
- Mid Autumn 2017
- 14
- Early Autumn 2017
- 31
My #fouroclocks are loving this cool air and morning sun. #marvelofperu #yellowflowers
- Early Autumn 2017
- 17
My #fouroclocks are still blooming strong. I've seen her #yellowflowers open only a few times. I think they r playing games..heheā£ļø#marvelofperu When should I start looking for seed? @bpetty55 @cyndi @lovestogarden @jennlamaye @lesliecole49
Looking good!you will see the seed easily, they form where the flower bloomed black hard seed pod one in each bloom stem.
They're a very easy one to harvest- Ull have no question when u see them @Acetaker
These have bloomed so much. I've seen 1 seed all this time its been blooming..ughh..I want to try to catch some..hehe!ā„ļø @ripjuju @bpetty55
Patience, grasshopper..... there will be plenty more 😘
What they said. ā¬ļøā¬ļø I so love the scent of these in the evening
U need to plant some closer to the house. I never smell them @lesliecole49 Will do @cyndi @bpetty55
- Mid Summer 2017
- 3
After cutting bk the larger part of this #fouroclock there's still a small plant left 😁 #marvelofperu #yellowflower
Would love some seed from this :-)
Judy, I have a few seeds right now...but I'll try to catch more for you😍 I had to cut the larger one down it had gotten mangled in a storm. Maybe she'll put more out for me(she's a babe..lolā£) @ripjuju
- Early Summer 2017
- 13
The #fouroclock #seedlings are popping up 😍 #marvelofperu
I just planted some #4oclocks .... My seedlings are coming along nicely.... But I put mine straight in the ground.
Gotta ya! @PunkyKy how far into Sumer do u stop planting seeds?
This actually my first year planting and I think I've done pretty well with myself. I'm testing the waters.
Yes, @PunkyKy you've done a Fabulous job!!😍😍
- Early Summer 2017
- 11
I see the beginning of my #4oclock #seedling just a few days #germinate
- Early Summer 2017
- 11
#marvelofperu #fouroclock #yellowflower #yellow
- Early Summer 2017
- 14
Can't wait to see the #fouroclock show its #bloom #color
There were a bunch of these under the stairs at my previous apartment. Of an evening when they were blooming I'd sit on my steps and just enjoy the amazing scent
- Early Summer 2017
- 8
This one #fouroclock is standing in BK of #wildflower bed(that had gotten mangled) and soon to show #colors from its #hardystems and #glossyleaves #marvelofperu #WildflowerWednesday
- Late Spring 2017
- 9
Help me identify this plant,Plz😊 It's the only one that I'd in to the #wildflower bed that wasn't destroyed. #wildflower #fouroclock #annual #selfseeds #WildflowerWednesday
That's weird, it looks like a hydrangea to me - But I think you'd know if it is one. #plantid
Could they be 4 O'clocks?
I think it's a four-o'clock!
@lovestogarden @jennlamaye @jruthie thxd for helping...I was in strong thought it was a 4 O'Clock...but needed my fellow buddies to hell confirm..hehe! 😁😁 Thxs Alot!
Hahaha... Clearly I had no clue...
Well Jenn, @jennlamaye I had to double check...brain fart 😂😂
Ahh,I love to see such a Vibrant color today with it being so dreary out. #marvelofperu #yelllowflower #fouroclocks
Very pretty!!💘😍