Nephrolepis exaltata
Boston Fern
Mid Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 5
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 5
Mid Spring 2017
- 2

Nephrolepis exaltata
Mid Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

The #foliage 🌿on the #machofern is so lush right now. Sure,wish it was a perrenial here. But,I've got him in the ground almost 3ft. I know U wouldn't think it would be but, He's A #bossfern and holds a ton of root! #swordfern #nephrolepis
Early Autumn 2017

Hubby got the #swordfern in the ground. He had to dig to China to make a hole big💕 Now I know why it's also called, #bossfer bwahaha!! It's a #annualinzone7 but I'm hoping putting it in the ground and protecting with mulch it will want to come back in it's Favorite spot. I took what #creepingjenny (in bottom right) I had to cut off mother plant and just sat it in all corners..maybe it will take root.

Beautifull lovely spot its in @Acetaker

@Acetaker wow that's a big beautiful fern!! I can pretty much guarantee you that creeping Jenny will root and spread like crazy!! Mine Does!💘😍

I hope so..if not it was worth a try for both😆 @ShelleySnyder

@Acetaker 👍👍👍
Mid Summer 2017

After giving him a trim you can really see the viening in the leaves. #machofern #bossfern #fern #swordfern #greenfoliage #shadeloving #tropical #houseplant
Mid Summer 2017

I gave my #swordfern a trim. 🤔With that in mind I had a thought of starting a #fern in the ground,So I started the process...Will show how😎 #shadeloving #machofern #houseplant #tropical #annualinzone7 #bossfern
Early Summer 2017

#machofern is Gigantic now. It's a #annualinzone7 but I'm going to try to save her. #swordfern #bossfern #fern #tropical #houseplant #shadeloving #nephrolepis

@Acetaker WOWZA!!🌿🌿🌿🌿

Yep!! From first pic til now...u ain't!!😍

@Acetaker I have a hard time with ferns. This is beautiful!!!

@marilyn731 TY! All I've done is pot it, water it here and there, Also it's under a Pecan 🌲 All Shade😍
Mid Spring 2017

Some also call it, #machofern ,but is a wonderful shade plant. It will take Part Sun/Part Shade. Now thoughts are in for another garden....Oh Yeah...hehe! 😊 #fern #shadeloving #swordfern #machofern #houseplant #tropicalplant #bossfern #nephrolepis

I want to make a fernery but sadly haven't space 😕
This pic doesn't do this huge #swordfern justice. I'm hoping with it being so far in the ground, shelter of the trees,and mulching it really well it will return next yr. It was just so big I had no place inside to keep him. #bossfern #machofern #fern #nephrolepis #lomariopsidaceae #tropical #houseplant #hostplant
I hope this survived winter. It was so big there's no room inside and hubs buried it about 3ft so I hope that will help with this. If it does remind me and it will be yours😁 @pretty_paws_29
Oh,I'm so hoping it does. This one is huge. If it makes it I surely will be taking root cuttings and putting it under my tree in the front where I placed my glider. It's roots were a huge ball and I know hubs dug almost 3ft square hole to put it! @columbiariver
U r so right...Laura @columbiariver Hubby's are the Best😉😍 I'm so glad u let me know. I didn't want to loose it after babying it and also know he #sphinxmothcaterpillar loves living in it😁
@columbiariver yes,it sure is. They are ones that come out at dusk and feed..almost looking like a Hummingbird the way they feed.