Kalanchoe Luciae 'Fantastic'
Variegated Paddle Plant
- Late Winter 2022
- 9
- 2
- Late Winter 2022
- 8
- 9
- Mid Autumn 2021
- 12
- 2
- Early Autumn 2021
- 7
- 0
- Early Autumn 2021
- 11
- 2
Kalanchoe Luciae 'Fantastic'
- Late Winter 2022
- 9
- Late Winter 2022
- 8
What’s wrong with my succulent?
I'm sorry, I can't help...
I’m guessing fungal or bacterial infection. I would cut the top where it looks good and start new ones in fresh dirt. 🌞
@sunlovin like cut it back?
Where the stem looks good on top, below the top good looking leaves, cut the stem off below the good leaves, let it dry out a little, and replant the stem in fresh soil. Water sparingly until new roots form. Now is a good time to start a new plant so it has a good chance. Don’t use parts that are discolored. 🌞
@sunlovin okay basically all of the leaves are black but that’s good to know I can at least try to somewhat save it. Thank you!
@sunlovin after cutting off the bad should I treat it with anything?
Even if you can save two top leaves with a stem, it’s worth a try. Pull off any leaves that have black or white abnormal fuzz on it. 😊🌞
In my experience, from how it looks, it’s too far gone to try to treat it with anything to save the rest of the plant. I think your best hope is to start a new one with a healthy stem piece. 🌞
- Mid Autumn 2021
- 12
It looks awesome😃
#interestingfoliage #greatcolor
- Early Autumn 2021
- 7
- Early Autumn 2021
- 11
Awesome variegation😃
So very pretty. 👍😊
What’s wrong with my succulent ?
#succulenthelp #succulentadvice #help