Sedum Burrito
Sedum 'Burrito'
- Late Winter 2018
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- Mid Winter 2018
- 5
- 1
- Mid Autumn 2018
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- 4
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 9
- 6
- Mid Autumn 2018
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- Mid Autumn 2018
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- Mid Autumn 2018
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Sedum Burrito
- Late Winter 2018
- 6
- Mid Winter 2018
- 5
#sedum-burrito getting pink tips in the occasionally sunny winter :) #succulent
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 5
Top darker leaf is 'baby donkey's tail' and the bottom is 'burro's tail', burro's is more flat on one side and is shaped more like a claw. In case anyone else needs this like i did :p #succulent #sedum #succulent-id-tip
(Sedum Burrito - Burro Tail, aka Baby Donkeys Tail. Sedum Morganianum - Donkeys Tail.)
@NatalieMay93 see, thats what i thought but it turns out morganianum is burro tail and sedum burrito, even though it's called burrito :p, is not burro tail and is 'baby donkeys tail', thought they were the same for so long now xD and then 'giant donkeys tail' is a sedeveria, not even a sedum D:
They are cousins 😉 different cultivars
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 9
Today i learned that burro's tail and baby donkey's tail are different xD on the left we have baby donkey's tail, my new purchase, and on the right is burro's tail :) #succulent #sedum #sedum-burrito
Are you going to identify it or am I...? 😂 anyway send me a message on fb re the swap you want to do.
Yes @KelsiBriana, it’s the miniature variety. I just went through the app and tagged addict on all the others. 👍🏻 Looks exactly like mine.
So does that make the other one burro's tail? :) @Yollymac
I will add ICN links for you: Sedum Morgianum Sedum burrito:
Always thought they were the same thing, my bad xD
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 9
@Yollymac what is your final decision? :D
Turn the second sprig upright to see it from the same angle. (Top down)
Tagged you in some others that has the ID. 😁
One minute and I'll have that second sprig turned. I also took a leaf off of each cos they are what looks most different i think. But maybe the other plant, which ain't mine, is not burrito.
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 11
@Yollymac :) #succulent Sedum Burrito.
@Yollymac reeeaally? :o xD cos this was definitely advertised to the lady as something other than burrito and me and her were having a conversation about this sort of thing being done online a lot, where she gets all of hers
I'll take a photo of it next to what i think is a burrito but yeah, seems like they pruned it to look like something different xD
It’s exactly the same as mine that’s why I asked for sizing. It looks as big as clavatum in the photo! Haha!
Not sure if this is from the occasional sun or winter colours but love the pink tips either way :) #sedum #sedumburrito #succulent
Probably not sedum burritum. This looks like some other type of sedum, different form and everything.