Hi @iclaudi yes I've had this one in a pot for a couple of years. By putting it in an unheated greenhouse for the winter I get flowers 10 months of the year. They last ages cut as well. I first saw it in a border at Wisley and made a note, a few weeks later I luckily found this one in the bargain section at a local garden centre.
Wow @agarve that's a good idea re overwintering … I don't have a greenhouse, but I do have an unheated conservatory 🤔I'm definitely going to look out for these … thanks for the tip 👍🏼
Another wet day here, got a bit done though.
I neeeeeed these Peruvian lilies in my garden - they make great cut flowers don't they? @agarve
Hi @iclaudi yes I've had this one in a pot for a couple of years. By putting it in an unheated greenhouse for the winter I get flowers 10 months of the year. They last ages cut as well. I first saw it in a border at Wisley and made a note, a few weeks later I luckily found this one in the bargain section at a local garden centre.
Wow @agarve that's a good idea re overwintering … I don't have a greenhouse, but I do have an unheated conservatory 🤔I'm definitely going to look out for these … thanks for the tip 👍🏼