If anyone has any idea on Passionflower fruit - please help a gal out! Fruit from possibly ‘Snow Queen’ or a variety of white Passionflower is this likely to be edible? #plantid #planthelp #passionfruit #passiflora #passionflower
This may help you with id, https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/plants-blogs/plants/march-2018/passiflora-snow-queen I have Constance Elliot and yours looks just the same 😀👍🏼
If anyone has any idea on Passionflower fruit - please help a gal out! Fruit from possibly ‘Snow Queen’ or a variety of white Passionflower is this likely to be edible? #plantid #planthelp #passionfruit #passiflora #passionflower