Ficus elastica 'Variegata'
Rubber Tree 'Variegata'
Early Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
- 5
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 2
Late Winter 2018
- 8
Late Winter 2018
- 1

Ficus elastica 'Variegata'
Early Autumn 2018
Early Autumn 2018

Somehow my variegated rubber tree has been fighting off all its previous problems with pests. Its grown quite tall and put out lots of leaves the past 3 months. I just keep my regular routine of spraying neem oil mixture on its leaves and feed it fertilizer once in a while. Been my practice green thumb plant for a while now and Im so glad it has stayed alive. 😄💚

Looking good!

Worth the work as she looks great. #ficus #elastica #ficuselastica #ficuselasricavariegata #variegata #variegated #variegatedrubbertree #houseplant #update

thanks @gjones @brightcolours and @lovestogarden!!! so glad to have a supportive community here on GT 😁

Supportive is right. I have learned so much too. It IS a wonderful community. ❤️
Late Summer 2018

Although the peak of growing season seems to be over with the rainy season now settling in, this rubber tree has gifted me with many new leaves the past weeks; and some were bigger than ever, big enough to cover my entire face with. 🌱😄 Thank you ficus! You give me so much joy!
Late Summer 2018

Big yellow leaves 😄 #ficuselastica
Late Summer 2018

My other rubber tree and sansevieria - the elder plants in the group. They were never in perfect condition to begin with (both had bug infestations) so it’s good to know they’re still thriving! 😊 #sansevieria #rubbertree #philippines

@gjones thanks! the older leaves fell off and the bottom trunk is a bit bare but otherwise the leaves are big and healthy now. :) just got skinny legs.
Late Winter 2018

Here is the underside of the leaf, breaks my heart to see it get sick now after all this time 😓 #FicusElastica-Help #Help

looks like an insect carried disease. give best care you can and hope for best. plant may be able to out grow

Read for care and some possible problems. From looking around different sites over watering or poor drainage is usually the problem. Varigieta needs more light than plain green leaves. But indirect. Could be one of the leaf diseases but I couldn't find a photo that looks exactly like yours. Still proper care best unless you see a pest (use magnifying glass to check) but as others said good care best. Check out site. Good luck.🤗 @gjones

@purplebird @moore.794 @gjones @cyndi thanks for coming to rescue! i decided to change the soil and check for root damage or insects as per advice... did not notice anything awry (thankfully). some of the leaves are showing the red marks but not as damaged as the one in the photo. this tree has the biggest pot in my garden but the soil did drain faster than my FLF tree. ill keep inspecting for any problems but i do hope she survives. it has become really warm here in the PH as summer approaches!

@purplebird @moore.794 @gjones @cyndi arnd 33-34c on ave. could be stress also adjusting to the heat, i know i am! i do wish ill have good updates in the coming weeks/months.🙏🏼

each spot with pink ring is where insect bit plant. donot stress by moving or excess watering.1/2 strength weak fertilizer each watering and leach / fresh water occasionaly to remove excess salts. leaf may eventually brown just remove. allow to dry between watering. good luck @AissaFlowers

@moore.794 thanks, how fascinating. these insects must be really tiny as i dont see any with my naked eye. another leaf has fallen and browned. does it help perhaps to wipe down the leaves with a wet cloth?

the spots are old. insect long gone. wipe with clear water good as removes dust. @AissaFlowers
Late Winter 2018

This got me worried. It was not looking like this a week ago. #help Is it some kind of mold or insect causing this? I have not done anything at all to the soil or watering habits of my tree. 😓
A close up of that branch! 😍 #ficuselastica #variegated #rubbertree