Solanum tuberosum 'Wilja'
Potato 'Wilja'
Late Winter 2016
- 3
Late Winter 2016
- 3
Late Winter 2016
- 13

Solanum tuberosum 'Wilja'
Late Winter 2016
Late Winter 2016
#chitted beautifully, now just need to wait for the #weather to change so I can do some planting!

#gyo ☺

Wow looked at this quickly and thought it was a tapestry 🤓
Late Winter 2016
2nd early Wilja's almost ready to kiss goodbye to the light.

Excuse my ignorance but is this what is called chitting 🤔🤔
That's it, you leave them in a cool sunny place and let the small stem nodules develop, choose 1 or 2 of the larger ones and rub the rest off before planting. It's meant to help them grow better, but I think it's just a better way of planting the the right way up.

Well done @fuschia I did'nt know that👍

Thank you @akamrshea that's something else I've learnt from this amazing app 😘😘

Just another question @akamrshea I have some potatoes that haven't been used. A whole bag full of pearl potatoes. By the time I realised they were there they had long roots on. Would not be possible to use them to grow more please 🤔🤔🤔 @janric
It never hurts to try, you might not get many tubers though. Let me know if they do though! 😋

No need to chit if you don't have space

Makes no difference to yield or timing of crop.

Monty Don says get your chili seeds in this week. Indoors mind!
Well it is a bit 'chilli' this week.
For some reason it didn't upload properly and no feedback from Gardentags. Double posting it is!
I knew I shouldn't have fed them after midnight!
Hi David so sorry you had issues with your image upload. Our techies are hunting down the gremlins and will have them rounded up soon!!