Eryngium x zabelii 'Neptune's Gold'
Sea Holly 'Neptunes gold'
Late Spring 2023
- 10
Late Spring 2022
- 12
Late Spring 2022
- 1
Mid Spring 2022
- 23
Late Spring 2021
- 12

Eryngium x zabelii 'Neptune's Gold'
Late Spring 2023
Late Spring 2022

Starting to turn blue #neptunesgold #seaholly #eryngium

I love this seaholly! 💘😍

For heavens sake! Look at that!


Another one I can’t keep alive. Amazing 🤩

Looking great Alan 💙💙💙

That's a beauty Al 👍

Thanks guys. It really is a great plant always changing as the season goes on @ShelleySnyder @novicegardenlover @KariSamuel @lesliecole49 @philstalder @pelly @jeatacake

My pleasure! 💘😍

Never seen a gold one. Nice contrast 🌞

Thank you it is eye-catching @sunlovin
Late Spring 2022

#neptunesgold #seaholly #eryngium
Mid Spring 2022

#eryngium-neptunesgold #eryngium #seaholly

I love this plant! Look forward to you posting it every year 💚💛💚

Great colour!

I did send you seeds they never reached you so I'll try again. Hopefully you'll get them this time and you'll be growing it yourself next year @kez001uk

Thanks Susan it's the only eryngium to have this yellow colouring @novicegardenlover

@alan1111 The missing seeds 😭 I’ve tried growing a few varieties of sea holly over the years and haven’t had a single one germinate 😳

Funny enough I've never tried. I'll try some as well see how we get on. I'll have to collect seeds so it'll be end of season. @kez001uk

@alan1111 you are far better at seed growing than me so I expect you’d have no problem 😛 I’ve missed having seeds on the go this year 😔

Nothing this year why? I wouldn't agree with that Kerry the last couple of years I've done very poorly. I'm having mixed results. Some seeds are germinating great while others very poor or nothing. I did manage to collect night pholx seeds. Don't know if their viable no sign of germination yet. If they do I've a few I can send if you like @kez001uk

@alan1111 I’m trying to do a summer of seeing where I need to add colour. Hoping to get perennials to fill the gaps so I can do less seeds each year but have more time learn how to do them properly. I do too many and they all suffer for it. Gets overwhelming. Your garden never seems to look any the worse for a bad seed year 💚 you’ve just reminded me I have some to send you 🙈 I’m useless at the moment, I’m so sorry Alan 🙉

I can understand that I'm slowly heading towards more perennials myself but will always do some seeds gives me a buzz. Now I only use twice the amount of seeds as needed for the number of plants I need. Like you I use to do too many of each seed it takes up so much room with needless amounts of seedlings taking up your space, time and energy. Tks Kerry I've lots of plants in pots I can use if I have a bad year with the seeds 😉 Don't worry about the seeds so long as your OK. @kez001uk

@alan1111 I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who gets overwhelmed with the amount they sow 🙈 will do more again next year but will give me a chance to plan better and know my numbers 😁 tried to build a garden and fill it in a short time really, and that’s been a bit much at times. But it’s almost how I want it now. Gotta video it tomorrow, now the spring cleanup is done 😂 I’ll go through my seeds and email you what I have spare so if there’s any you want I’ll get them all to you in one go
Late Spring 2021

Flowers just about to turn blue. #seaholly #juneblooms

These are beautiful💙 I planted these, first time this year. Haven't seen anything growing yet 🤞🤞so pretty

How unusual! I love it!💘😍

Thank you Thelma, I do hope they make an appearance for you 🍀🤞 @crabby58

Thanks Shelley, it's a great looking plant, photo doesn't do it justice @ShelleySnyder

Remember this from last year 💛💙💛 looking gorgeous!

Thanks Kerry, it's doubled in size. I divided it and put some in the back garden that's doing equally as well 😁 @kez001uk

Very welcome! I bet it is great looking!💘😍

@alan1111 don’t blame you wanting more of it dotted around 😍 will be keeping my eyes open for this one 😉

Thank you Shelley @ShelleySnyder

If I can collect seeds I'll send them your way 👍 @kez001uk

@alan1111 you’re a love, thank you 😀 I have tried to grow a white variety from seed a few times but never been a success 🤣
One of my favourite plants just coming in to flower #seaholly 31/5/23
Good to see this one back again 💛💚
Thanks Laura. Just when you think it couldn't get any better it gets blue flowers. Swipe picture left 👈 @columbiariver
Thanks Kerry. I divided last year and put this bit in the pot see how it gets on. I'm not expecting a lot of flowers from it this year @kez001uk
@alan1111 even without flowers it’s lovely to look at 😋
I have to agree. To see it in the sunshine it just glows. I've tried growing not it from seed this year didn't get anything from them. Did you do any seeds this year @kez001uk
@alan1111 I bet you have loads of seeds on the go! I didn’t get chance to do any again this year. I really miss summer annuals more than anything. Not much colour without them 😐
You done no seeds. That's a pity. Will you do one seed for me. I really think you will like it for the foliage. The leaves are a good size, shape and the dark colour 😍 it's the castor oil bean. I started lots of seeds. A lot didn't germinate and those that did the slimy gits had their share. I have enough left to do me @kez001uk
@alan1111 oh that is such a lovely plant! I tried seems once and got 2 to germinate. Soon as they went outdoors they got eaten 🥺 sounds like we both suffered from the same issues 😜
We do indeed. Me you and half the planet 😂