Jacob's Ladder
Early Summer 2022
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 35
Late Summer 2020
- 20
Early Summer 2020
- 8

Early Summer 2022
Early Spring 2021

First flower 19.4.21 don't let it go to seed and it will flower well into October #jacobsladder #blue #bestofapril #grownfromseed

love those white curly bits

Fabulous shot 😍 and beautiful flowers

I love it 🥰 I lost it when we moved house. I tried to dig up as much roots as possible but it died. It was too hot I guess as we moved in July. Bees absolutely adore polemonium.

They're beautiful flowers Alan 💜💜💜 @alan1111

Beautiful flower and beautifully captured Alan 💙💙💙

So very pretty 💜💙

Fabulous blue

So do I Ruth small but stands out 😅 @sushiwaitress

Thank you Yash 😁 @kaporyash

Hi Urszula, yep 🐝 love them. Sorry you lost them great little plant. These I grew from seed two years ago last year was the first time they flowered. I collected seeds and have seedlings coming on well 😁 I'll collect seeds this year if you would like some just let me know 👍 @ublaszko

Hi Ange 👋 love both the flowers and folige @anges
Late Summer 2020

They've done so well this year they've been in flower for months these are the last flowers. Photo taken a couple of weeks ago #polemonium #jacobsladder #grownfromseed #bestofoctober

So pretty Alan. Love the colour 💜💛😊

Very pretty 😍

Fantastic! Great for bees too 👍🏻

Lovin the Purple of these. Beautiful Alan 💜😍 It's nice to see you on GT 😉

Amazing late bloomer. Mine finished months ago 💙💙💛

Thanks Diane 😊 @hkyfvr

Hi Sherri 👋 thanks 😊 @sherrisgarden

Hi Alan 😀 you're welcome

Hi Ursula 👋 thanks 😊 they really are 🐝🐝 @ublaszko

Hi Suzie 👋 it's good to be back 😊 I have seeds there if you would like me to add some to the package @suzieshadow1227gmailcom

Hi Chris 👋 they'll keep flowering if you don't let them go to seed. Keep removing the spent flower spikes 👍☺️ @midnightgardener
Early Summer 2020

They've been in flower a long time now #polemonium #jacobsladder #grownfromseed #bestofjuly #turnbacktime

Wonderful scented

Beautiful photo 💜💛💜

Love the colors!! 💜💛💜 beautiful!

Hi Aly I've never got a scent off them I seen your reply earlier and went to to have a sniff I could only smell the lilies near by I'll try again when the lilies go over @thehardygardener

Thank you Marilyn they make it easy 😉 @lovemygarden65

Thanks Suzie this is the first year they've flowered and they've been doing so for the last ten weeks @suzieshadow1227gmailcom

Oh mine are scented, even the white ones
Not getting a lot of flowers. First year to flower. #polemonium #grownfromseed