Mammillaria elongata
Lady Finger Cactus
Early Summer 2017
- 4
Early Spring 2017
- 5
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Early Spring 2017
- 2
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Early Spring 2017
- 2
Late Winter 2017
- 2
Late Winter 2017
- 3
Mid Winter 2017
- 2

Mammillaria elongata
Early Summer 2017
Early Spring 2017

I love how cacti waste nothing. Once a flower is finished, the cactus will break it down and bring the nutrients back inside the plant to be used elsewhere #cactus #cacti #flowers

Well I didn't know that!! 👏👏😃

#mammillaria #ladyfingercactus

I didn't know either, but that's so interesting! Thanks for sharing ☺️

Never stop learning thank you!
Early Spring 2017

Early Spring 2017

#cactus #cacti #flower
Early Spring 2017

Quite hard spines but they're not dangerous at all. Can run hand over it without getting stabbed

Early Spring 2017

#macro flower bud
Early Spring 2017

Still waiting for it to bloom!
Early Spring 2017


Love these!
Late Winter 2017

Here come the flowers. Only two buds so far but it will be the first time I've had a cacti flower. This is my first one and only owned since Christmas.

Great pic📸 they are very tiny

I think they get quite a bit bigger when finally putting out the flower
Mid Winter 2017

Help me identify this plant?

#cactus #cacti #plantid-cacti
I read the comment u gave gjones regarding the succulents and using a grow light what strength/watt's would be good. I'm starting to grow them since it's so hot here and sunny it does get below freezing at times in the winter so I'd bring them inside so it would b good to know what type of grow light they'd need
I don't personally have experience with them sorry @terrimclaughlin I just bring mine in during the winter and they stay in a south facing window with fairly low light but I don't water them much and they tend to go dormant for the most part. Lights would be a good idea though to ensure you don't get etiolation and have to keep repropagating annually. I imagine there's a lot of help on the subject on Google/ YouTube
@Alcurtis93 thxs and your right I'm always researching and it's best to research according to ur zone. Spyder1980 who has a GT profile recommended a greenhouse he purchased on eBay I've seen a few not to expensive so I'm going to try to get one but it right I'll just check into care for succulents in my area Thxs again