Hypericum Beanii
Mid Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2017

So much life! I'm also getting lots of very small black bugs all over this bush. Should I be worried?

If they are tiny little shiny ones then they are Pollen Beetles, so nothing to worry about. As the name implies, they are pollinators, so they are "good" ones Alisa 😊😊😊

Hi @AlisaJ the small black bugs are called "blackfly". They can be very damaging to plants if the infestation gets bad. They suck the sap out of the plant which stunts its growth and eventually the leaves and flowers go bad. You can treat this with a bug treatment which won't damage your plant or you can simply use soapy water. Hope this helps?x

Morning @pelly and @daveandellie thank you so much for your advice. I'll take a closer look to see if I can establish which sort they are and will either leave them alone or zap them with some bug treatment. Thank you so much! 👍🏼
Ablaze with yellow flowers 🌼🔥 lovely to have inherited this bush.