Late Summer 2016
Late Summer 2016

Please! Help me identify this plant, thank you! #Eljardindemama

Hello Linda 👋 Thanks for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping on Discover and then "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say 'hello', simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert in their profile. Enjoy using GT! 😃

Thanks also for asking us to help identify your plant #PlantID. Fellow GT'ers are you able to help Linda ? @PlantDoctor @David @barbaramatthews @justin @richard.spicer.7906 @thedanielrichards @Garyg @linfoster @joanboston @mr_plantgeek @tiggrx @kathy @mikethegardener @GREENFINGERSLTD @jamesshobbs

The flower looks a little like an Orchid Cactus but I can't see the leaves so I'm not sure

Thanks @justin I'll post a side pic I took of this beauty that's bigger than my hand in diameter!

@tiggrx @robbiec @PlantDoctor @mikethegardener do you know what this is? 👍

@justin @allblissedout sorry folks don't know this plant. At a guess I'd say a bulbous perennial but not certain.

@justin @allblissedout ok, been doing some searching. It looks very very much like a cactus flower, is that possible?

It very well could be @robbiec as @justin thought it was as well. The leaves don't look 'cactusy' to me, but I know nothing of plants. I'll start looking into cactus flowers. 😀

@allblissedout @robbiec @justin Its a giant white Epiphyllum hylocereus orchid cactus 😊

Yes! @mikethegardener That looks to be it...Thank you all!!

It looks amazing!!
Here's a side pic of the flower I first posted. Unsure if I'm using/posting/responding correctly so bear with me. ☺ #advice #helpidentify
Definitely looks like a cactus flower of which there are many varieties including ones that only bloom at night! We would need to see the leaves of the cactus to narrow it down.
Yes! @usgardentags Just learned from someone here it's an epiphyllum hylocerea (butchered the name.) And some epiphyllum species are added to some versions of the hallucinogenic drink ayahuasca! Thanks for helping with this!