Graptopetalum Paraguayense subsp. Paraguayense
Graptopetalum 'Ghost plant'
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 5
Late Spring 2017
- 3
Late Spring 2017
- 2

Graptopetalum Paraguayense subsp. Paraguayense
Early Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

Hard to believe it's grown that much, until you look back at old pics! The baby on this one was just coming from the stem when we first got it, now it's reaching past the pot!
Late Spring 2017

Here is a pic of a baby that's growing off of it and how tall it is. #help #plantid #succulents @Muzz67

Yes Graptopetalum Paraguayense

They do get leggy .I chopped mine repotted the mun and left the stalk to sprout more after taking lower leaves to propagate which they do really easily.

Maybe this one is a mother of pearl and the other is a ghost plant? @Muzz67

Ghost plant and mother of pearl plant are the same I believe Graptopetalum Paraguayense both 😆
Late Spring 2017

Ive looked all day to figure out what this one is called and still cant figure it out! Is this a graptopetalum Ghost Plant with really good coloring? @Muzz67 @lovestogarden

Looks like it yes😍 Graptopetalum Paraguayense

I am glad Jacqui came through, because I am not good at this. @Muzz67
Late Spring 2017

Can anyone help me identify this #succulent I'm thinking #graptoveria or #graptopetalum of some sort. The camera doesn't show just how pink it really is! #plantid-succulent

They do change dramatically in colour with temp changes ?
Hard to believe it's grown that much, until you look back at old pics! The baby on this one was just coming from the stem when we first got it, now it's reaching past the pot!