Mentha spicata
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018

#sosmall #socute #spearmint

Haha! Thanks for the circles. 😉

@amberdai thank you for following my posts. Looks like you do have a green thumb! Happy gardening!

Haha thank you. No problem of course, the more beautiful plants to look at the better. Thank you for sharing. 😋 Happy Gardening to you as well. @maldavis
#spearmint I can see you guys now. Lol
@cyndi yes I will be. I haven't picked out the container yet. Lol. Hopefully Friday I can make it to town to get some things I need. :) Hope you're having a good day!
Hmm great idea. I'm trying not to spend much money on gardening. Recycle and reuse. I will be on the look out for those. I grabbed one not too long ago to start a small compost near my gardening area. I think I have a few tucked away. Maybe a more shallow one but roughly the same size with wheels.. I may just do that. Thank you @cyndi