Late Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 10
Early Summer 2017
- 7
Late Spring 2017
- 3

Canna 'Pretoria' syn. Canna 'Bengal Tiger', Canna 'Striata', Canna 'Palida', Canna 'Malawiensis', Canna 'Malawiensis Variegata', Canna 'Praetoria', Canna 'Pretoria Variegata', Canna 'Kaepit'
Late Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

It finally opened!

Wow! What a beautiful ❤

These leaves are amazing!


That's stunning

#canna #variegatedfoliage

My blooms the same flower but my leaves are solid green I like yours I've never seen those leaves like that before. Mine just started blooming too I guess their summer bloomers

@terrimclaughlin. Found the name of it. "Pretoria"

Absolutely gorgeous! 😍

Early Summer 2017

Looks like it starting to form the flowers.

WOW!! Love the cool #foliage it's going on wishlist now if I can find it around here. I was lucky to find mine.

@Acetaker I got this one at a local nursery. I will have to dig up the tag for it. Pretty sure it had the name of the canna

Thx Katie😊

Does anybody know the name of my plant plz comment on my plant picture

#canna #variegated

@Acetaker. The name of this canna is "Prestoria"
Late Spring 2017

Amazing!💖 Do u know the color of the bloom?

@Acetaker No I don't know. I bought it because I loved the leaves. I didn't pay any attention to the flower information lol

That's beautiful!
Has another flower stem going.