Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Queen Of Dreams'
Hibiscus 'Queen Of Dreams'
Early Autumn 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Late Spring 2018
- 5

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Queen Of Dreams'
Early Autumn 2018
Mid Summer 2018

#bestofjuly Just got this beauty into a bigger pot. It should be much happier now.

That is the best unusual and most beautiful #hisbiscus I ever seen Katie 😍😍😍 @ambitiouswolf

So beautiful

Awesome! Really rare hibiscus flower, bicolour and also double. I usually see single ones when i go to frost free áreas here in Spain. Enjoy it!

Wowwwwwww! 😍

Early Summer 2018

Opened today

Wow!! That’s absolutely incredible! 😲😍

@Yollymac yes it is. My favorite hibiscus. Still can’t believe I found it on a clearance cart at Lowe’s.

Lucky duck! What a find!


Stunning😍. We love a bargain.👌

Early Summer 2018

Opened up more. It is mind blowing how many layers of petals are crammed into that little ball of a bloom.

Absolutely beautiful! 😍

This is crazy beautiful!

Very beautiful!

Man, did this catch my eye!!!😍👀


What a creation! 😍

Fantastic 👌👌👌
Early Summer 2018

Starting to open another flower 🌺

Wow, amazing. 😍
Early Summer 2018

New flower about to open.

Beautiful !!!
Late Spring 2018

Looked up the company name and looked through some photos. Found it to be ‘Queen of Dreams’. Lovely flower 🌺 plant is in great shape. Don’t know why it was on the clearance cart at Lowe’s. It was the only hibiscus like it there. Regularly $22.99 clearance price $10. And of course it followed me home 🤣

It’s a good find! 👌🏼 glad to hear you managed to find a name for it.

Perfect name😍😍😍🌺🌺🌺

Oh like it very much....🧡

Now you can make more of them from cuttings 😁😊
A late bloom. But so beautiful 😍
Absolutely stunning 😯
That’s amazing!
Beautiful. @terrimclaughlin, you may like this #hibiscus
@novicegardenlover you are sooo right!!!! I’m amazed. Are they multi-colored or was this just a little gift from mother-nature??? I’m going to look to see if I can order one right now🤗🤗👍🏻🤗 Thxs my friend (novice) for letting me be able to admire this one👍🏻🤗🤗😊💕
What a Heavenly bloom!😍😍😍