@emch @prettyeyes this one is not open yet. And the long brown/fudge color sticking out I think is where the fudge comes from. They are unique. Kind of a rose shape lily.
@prettyeyes you can order it from Breck’s online. Think they are on sale right now. Seen it last night when I was looking it up after emch found the name. Most likely where I got mine from.
@emch @prettyeyes this one is not open yet. And the long brown/fudge color sticking out I think is where the fudge comes from. They are unique. Kind of a rose shape lily.
They are beautiful. I love lilies and I have never seen that one before. Definitely going to have to keep my eye out.
@prettyeyes you can order it from Breck’s online. Think they are on sale right now. Seen it last night when I was looking it up after emch found the name. Most likely where I got mine from.
Oh I will have to go on there when I get paid. Thank you!
You’re welcome @prettyeyes