Rosa 'William Morris'
Rose 'William Morris'
- Late Spring 2021
- 10
- 4
- Late Spring 2020
- 19
- 3
- Early Summer 2019
- 25
- 2
- Early Summer 2017
- 33
- 5
- Late Spring 2017
- 37
- 2
- Early Autumn 2016
- 27
- 0
- Late Summer 2016
- 42
- 2
- Early Summer 2016
- 22
- 5
- Mid Summer 2016
- 21
- 2
- Early Summer 2016
- 29
- 2
- Early Summer 2016
- 18
- 0
- Early Summer 2016
- 15
- 1
- Early Summer 2016
- 16
- 0
- Early Summer 2016
- 13
- 3
- Mid Summer 2016
- 11
- 3
Rosa 'William Morris'
- Late Spring 2021
- 10
- Late Spring 2020
- 19
- Early Summer 2017
- 33
Still very flimsy stems even now it's 5 years old
Beautiful blooms 🌸💕but they look heavy!
Beautiful flowers though !
Thank you @rachelbrooks and @lisa868 - they are pretty but hate the rain and the stems are too bendy! Not a plant I would buy again 😊
Such a shame 😏 they're so pretty
- Late Spring 2017
- 37
Beautiful rose 👍
- Early Autumn 2016
- 27
- Late Summer 2016
- 42
Beautiful 😆
Thank you @katgreen 😊
- Early Summer 2016
- 22
This is now on my list!
@mandymaud it is a beautiful rose but has very floppy bendy stems which struggle to support the large heavy flowers so it needs a support of some kind. I'm still debating how to do mine 😊
I wonder if it would be better up against a wall or fence and use garden wire to lay it flat? I definatly want one, thankyou for the advice! 😊
You're welcome @mandymaud. I think you are probably right. I'm sure I've read it can be grown as a small climber
Thatsa beauty
- Mid Summer 2016
- 21
Beautiful andrea @Andreamarie 😍😍
Thank you @daisy-jane 😊
- Early Summer 2016
- 29
Thank you @krishnahairdo ☺
- Early Summer 2016
- 18
- Early Summer 2016
- 15
#pink #roses
- Early Summer 2016
- 16
- Early Summer 2016
- 13
Doubtful this will open as it's got so wet 😔 This variety hates the rain
- Mid Summer 2016
- 11
I think I'm in love! #blowsy #spectacular-flowers #greatcolor
So beautiful 💚
Lovely colour 🥰
Thanks @emch @mich and @plants 🙂🙂