- Late Spring 2019
- 20
- Late Spring 2019
- 16
The Hebe looks like it might flower! Never saw any of that before I unsuccessfully dug it up last year 😂
- Mid Spring 2019
- 16
Not my fault this one. It was here when we moved in. Girlfriend didn't like it, I thought it was good because bugs seemed to like it, so obviously I dug it up to avoid the ear ache. Not very well though apparently because it grew back (very quickly!?!). It now has my respect and I've vouched for its position in the garden. Wish I knew what it is though. If you've any ideas I'd be grateful for a steer in the right direction! 😁
That looks like my hebe
A bit more flower development on what we think is the Hebe. 👍👍👍