Pineapple Lily
Mid Summer 2021
- 17
Mid Summer 2021
- 1
Mid Summer 2021
- 12
Early Summer 2021
- 15
Early Summer 2021
- 1
Early Summer 2021
- 7
Early Summer 2021
- 6
Early Summer 2021
- 9
Late Spring 2021
- 6
Late Spring 2021
- 13
Mid Spring 2021
- 5
Mid Spring 2021
- 8
Mid Summer 2020
- 15
Early Summer 2020
- 4
Early Summer 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2020
- 5
Mid Spring 2020
- 3
Mid Summer 2019
- 6
Mid Summer 2019
- 34
Mid Summer 2019
- 1
Mid Summer 2019
- 8
Early Summer 2019
- 9
Early Winter 2019
- 6

Mid Summer 2021
Mid Summer 2021

##foliagefriday #pineapplelily #eucomis 🍍🍍🍍
Mid Summer 2021

This #pineapplelily really smells awful!!!! 🤢🤢🤢 I've had to move it to a part of the garden where nobody walks past very often! 😆 #eucomis #foliagefriday

That’s huge !!

It's gone from 1 stem last year and the year before to this, this year! I'll have to re-pot it for next year! 😃 @juliesgarden

I'm glad mine didn't grow by the sounds of it. I didn't realise they had a bad smell 🤢

Love the shape💚

So neat!! 🍍

Quite a strong smell once the flowers open 😆 I like everything else about it, easy enough 😃👍 @pelly

Looks great though

Thank you both 👍 it still wiffs! 😆 @hebelover @gjones

It looks so fantastic shame it smells so awful, only got a small garden think I will give it a miss then 😂 shame as the flowers look so fab too

Yes, don't bother! I like the look of them and if you don't get too close they're great! 🤣 @loveofplants

Ok 😂🤣😂🤣 I won’t lol 😉
Early Summer 2021

Hi everyone, this #pineapplelily has 5 stems this year - it's only ever had 1 til now. Besides keeping inside over Winter I've done nothing to it 🤷♀️😃 Have a great #foliagefriday 💚🍍💚 16.7.21

That is fabulous Ange! 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍

Thanks Angela 😃🍍💚 @italydiva

Thanks Katie 😃💚🍍 @gjones

Morning Ange. It’s looking really good 💚💚💚

Thanks Jane, I'm made up with it 😃💚🍍 @pelly

Morning Ange … looking fab 💚

Morning Julie, thank you! 😃🍍💚 @juliesgarden

Wow! Fabulous! 💚

@rhimixx Morning Rhiannon, thanks very much 😃🍍💚

Those are beautiful Ange 👏😍

I just love these Ange @anges, mine hadn't flowered before and has had two spikes, am thrilled to bits 😊
Early Summer 2021

Notice the purple edged leaves 💜💚
Early Summer 2021

Close up of the flower buds 🍍🍍🍍 #eucomis #pineapplelily #foliagefriday 🍍🍍🍍

Gorgeous plant Ange🤗

Very tropical

Thanks all, a bit tropical for our garden! @gjones @godfreye @sieveheadsarah

They’re amazing looking things 🤩🍍

Remind me of a mad hairstyle! 😃 @kez001uk

@anges it’s definitely punk! 😂
Early Summer 2021

I love the stems on this plant, so different to anything else I've got in the garden 😍 #eucomis #pineapplelily 🍍🍍🍍

They are great aren’t they?! 👌

Yes, remind me of leopard print! 🐆😃 @italydiva

Fabulous stems….👌🏼

Brilliant photo😊

Thanks both! @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @Auricula 🐆🐆🐆
Early Summer 2021

This has got so many buds coming on it this year. It's only ever had 1 before. I don't know whether to leave it in this pot (12 inches), repot or plant in the ground? #advice please 🍍🍍🍍 #foliagefriday

They are not hardy Ange so you would need to dig it up in Autumn if you get frosts. I have mine in pots.

I have them both in garden and in pots

Thanks Joan and Joan 😃 I feel like it'll be too big for the pot it's in, might just pot it on if I can find it a bigger pot. 😃 @joanboston @joannie.a

Definitely a bigger pot and a feed

Thanjs Aly, a job for the weekend 😃🍍 @thehardygardener

I moved mine into pots start of last year and they grew huge but didn’t flower, they’re just starting to grow now so hopefully they’ll flower this year, they’re definitely hardy Ange 👍🏼😀

This is its 3rd year now, always been in a pot but I've brought them inside the summerhouse over Winter. I can't believe there's so many buds this time, I'll have to count them! 😃🍍 @sieveheadsarah

Thanks, must pot it on! 😄 @gjones
Late Spring 2021
Late Spring 2021

🍍 Lily progressing well 26.5.21. It's still mostly in the summerhouse, goes out in the day. I think I'll find it a permanent spot outside soon. I need to empty my pots of the tulips and re-plant with Summer bedding etc....

Mine are just picking through.

Mine are just breaking the surface

Looking lush 👌 🍍🍍🍍

Great! Love these - they're a bit different aren't they? 🍍🍍🍍 @sieveheadsarah @joanboston

Morning, thanks very much 😃🍍🍍🍍 @porto

I’ve just looked back at the pics of yours Ange, I love the variegated leaf 😍

Morning @anges 👋

They certainly are, I’ve managed to grow some from the seeds too

Yes me too, it's a plant full of surprises 😃 @sieveheadsarah

Oh well done - how long did that take? @joanboston

They took a couple of years to flower @anges
Mid Spring 2021

Progress photo 🍍🍍🍍 11.5.21

Still waiting for mine to start 🤞

I've got everything crossed for you! 😄 @joanboston 🍍🍍🍍

Reminds me, I bought a pack of these bulbs and stuck them on top of the kitchen cabinets, not planted them, rectified now 😂

😆 Glad to help! That's the sort of thing I do 🤪 @hebelover
Mid Spring 2021

Pineapple lily coming back at last, 3rd year for this one 🍍🍍🍍 6.5.21

Looks good. I think it will be around forever. I have one in a small pot and it has come back reliably every year for decades with zero care other than water. Love them 😍

Thanks Phil, must admit it looks after itself really. I've potted it up in new compost and I'll transfer it to a bigger pot once the tulips have finished 😃 @philstalder


I planted pineapple lily bulbs for the first time year only for the squirrels to dig them up and eat them 😡

Mine are in the greenhouse. Burgundy has a tiny sprout, nothing yet on bicolour, both are several years old 🤞🤞🤞

Oh no! We don't really see many squirrels round here. This is in my summerhouse at the moment so should be safe from any pests 🤞😃 @Ryan180680

Good luck Joan 😃 I've only got this one at the moment. I like the burgundy ones too @joanboston
Mid Summer 2020

Update photo 15.8.20 🍍🍍🍍😃

The clover shaped foliage colour variegation really set it off to perfection. 👌 Do you know what it’s called Ange?

Looking great 👍

@alif Thanks very much 😃🍍🍍🍍

Thanks, it's #oxalis of some sort - maybe iron cross. It has little pink flowers on a long stem 😃 @italydiva

Thanks Debs @debs69 😃🍍🍍🍍

Brilliant - thank you 😊

You're welcome 😃👍 @italydiva

Thanks Katie - this is its second year - not bad for £2! 😃🍍🍍🍍 @gjones

Its second year only?! How big was it when you got it? This is awesome. I just got one this year, I sure have high expectations for it next year now haha

I just got it as a bulb or whatever it is it starts off as 😃 @jmlincoln

Oh wow!! Very cool! Looks great!
Early Summer 2020

This is the 2nd year for my Wilko Pineapple Lily, pleased it's come back! Looks a bit tropical for Lancashire and my garden but I like it planted up with these French Marigolds and the Oxalis. Think I'll be buying a few more 💚🍍💚🍍💚 (just looked back at my photos for this one and I'd posted a comment saying I won't be bothering with these again!! 🙄🤭) #pineapplelily

Had a look back...what a fabulous plant!

Yes it's a bit different, I like the flowers aswell as the foliage @italydiva

The flowers are quite spectacular. You did well to pick this up at Wilko 👌
Early Summer 2020

🍍🍍🍍 29.6.20 #pineapplelily
Late Spring 2020

Update photo 5.6.20 🍍🍍🍍

Looking good. I have 4 which I grew from seed that I potted on this morning, growing fast now!

Thanks Jeff, this is one I had last year from Wilko so I'm glad it's come back. Are they easy enough to grow from seed? I might try that 🙂 @jeatacake

Mine are about 4 to 5 inches tall with good sized bulbs 2 years after sowing. They've been petty easy I'd say. Hoping they'll flower next year 🤞

Good luck Jeff, might try myself after its flowered 🙂 @jeatacake
Mid Spring 2020

#newgrowth on the Pineapple Lily 🍍🍍🍍 1.5.20 Nice to see this returning from last year 👍

I have nothing on mine so far. I brought it in doors yesterday. 🤔

Mine's just been in a unheated mini greenhouse since last year 🤷♀️ with the odd water @suerichards
Mid Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2019

Hi everyone, the flowers are opening on the Pineapple Lily 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍 Have a fantastic Friday 😊

They are 👌 💜 One of my favourite recent discoveries. Do you know how to make sure they come back? Mine from last year were in pots and I put them in the greenhouse over winter but they have not returned 😢

Thanks Jacqueline, this is my first one so I have no idea what I'm doing 😁 I put it in the pot and kept it well watered. @porto David might have some advice for us about overwintering? 🍍🍍🍍 @awomanonabike

Morning again Ange - That's so beautiful 💜

Oh wow! Which one is this. I'm growing one this year but only planted it a few weeks ago so it's still tiny. Only paid 50p from home bargains so not sure it'll be any good 😍

Thanks Jason, they remind me of wax for some reason 😁 @Jasonsparkes1

Hi James, thanks very much - I need to check if all the flowers are out now - this was 2 days ago ☺ @bandicoot

Morning Angie, it's just called #eucomisbicolour (not very glamorous!) This was from Wilko for £2 - it's growing on me now it's flowering. I think a few in a big pot would look better than 1. There's a different one called Sparkling Burgundy that I like the look of too ☺ @angiecrazycatlady

I'll have to enjoy looking at yours as I still just have leaves! 😀😀

You do nothing Angie, just let it die back just leave until next spring, they are very hardly, but you can store in a green house or shed over winter depending where you are ,👍😏 @anges 🍍🍍🍍🍍

Gorgeous! @anges

@lilybee Wish I could help but haven't a clue 😀
Mid Summer 2019

20.7.19 🍍🍍🍍 #eucomisbicolour
Mid Summer 2019

Don't think I will bother with these again 😁

At least you've got a flower - I've just got leaves 😀😀

Thanks Cyndi, I'm not that enthusiastic about it 😁 @cyndi

@lilybee Is there any sign of a bud ??

Nope, just five leaves! @anges

😕 I wonder why?

It needs 1 more year to gather the nutrients it needs to start to flower.

Thanks James ☺ @jamescalli
Early Summer 2019

Update photo 5.7.19

Looking good Ange 👍🏼

Do you think? I'm a bit underwhelmed by it so far 😀 @richard.spicer.7906

Give it time, the flower head will bulk up, and then you’ll see the beautiful tiny flowers appear on the flower stalk. Keep it watered, they like a drink. They are slow to multiply, but I’ve propagated them successfully by leaf cuttings. Plan to do a tutorial in the next couple of weeks so watch this space 👍🏼

Thanks very much Richard, I will go and water it now 😀 I'll look out for the tutorial ☺ @richard.spicer.7906

Mines at about the same stage ange, seems to take forever to get going 😴

I thought the same Ang but they are going like a rocket now , as Rich said they like lots of water I’ve found 👍🏻

Morning Dave, yes they do! 😀 Just given it a good water 💧💧💧 We'll have to compare 👌

Morning Julie, thanks, that's good to know ☺ I'll keep on top of the watering ☺ @juliesgarden
Early Winter 2019

I've never had these before so will look forward to seeing them grow. Elaine @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom inspired me to give them a go ☺💛 @gjones

Yes I love the look of them so fingers crossed 👍☺ @gjones

@anges good luck Ange we’ll compare.....👍🏼😉

Thanks Elaine, OK 😀 👍 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

These are one I'm hoping ours have 😍😍

Should do, our one had quite a few. Have you grown these before? ☺
Hi everyone, I like the flowers on the #pineapplelily but the smell is something else!! 🤢🤢🤢🤣 #eucomis Have a great day! ☔☔☔
Morning Ange , not pleasant is it 😂😂
Hi Ange 👋 great photo and you too
It's vile!! 🤣🤢 @juliesgarden
Thanks Jeremy 😃 @jpea
Wow fantastic close-up Ange 👌
Fab photo😊
Love the photo Ange but have never seen one or smelt it😁
And there’s me thinking I’ll get one of those 🤣🤣
Nice photo! Pineapple looking but not pineapple smelling! Shame! 😀
Thanks all @churchfarmgarden @Auricula @sho47 @nix81