Malus domestica 'Laxton's Superb'
Apple 'Laxton's Superb'
Mid Summer 2021
- 22
Early Summer 2021
- 6
Mid Spring 2021
- 10
Mid Autumn 2019
- 8
Early Autumn 2019
- 13
Mid Summer 2019
- 25
Mid Summer 2019
- 4
Early Spring 2019
- 1
Late Autumn 2018
- 0

Malus domestica 'Laxton's Superb'
Mid Summer 2021
Early Summer 2021

🍎🍎🍎 29.6.21 These are eating apples but I use them for apple crumble and Eve's pudding 😋

My kind of pudding! 😋😋

Oh yes please.

Be rude to waste a good apple

Haven't had Eve's pudding for years, need to dig a recipe out!

Can't go wrong with a crumble! 😍 I just make Eve's pudding along the lines of a crumble but top it with sponge instead of crumble. Does that make sense Sue?! 😃 @italydiva @charlotte @lesngeorge @lilybee
Mid Spring 2021

Hi everyone, apple tree blossom is so pretty isn't it? Hope we get enough 🍏🍏🍏 to make a few crumbles 😃 (this is an eating apple as opposed to cooking btw) #mayblooms Have a great day ☔ #appleblossom

It certainly is 🌸🌸🌸

Fabulous Ange 🌸🌸

Just love apple blossom!

Thank you very much 💗💗💗 @pelly @juliesgarden @bobbyball 👋🖐👋

So pretty🤗

Morning Enid, thank you 💗🍏💗 @godfreye

Morning Ange 🙋 I'm looking for a good crop this year too

Good luck! 🍏🍎🍏 @jpea

You too Ange apple 🍎😋 @anges
Mid Autumn 2019

Have a great day everyone #gyo 😍🍎🍎🍎

Morning Ange, thanks and you too 🍎🍎

Beautiful 🍎🍎 have a great day Ange

Thank you ladies, enjoy your day 😀 @pelly @sabbanrula

Good enjoy to eat...

Want to test my appetite with that..😊

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom Thanks Elaine 🍎😀

@bks Thanks BK 😀🍎
Early Autumn 2019

Hi everyone, picked some of the apples yesterday and made a crumble 😋 Laxton Superb are eating apples but they cooked ok and taste delicious 🍎🍎🍎 Have a wonderful Wednesday 😎 (The sun is shining 🌞) #gyo #apple #apples #laxtonssuperb #appletree #crumble

Morning Ange, I'll be around later and will bring the icecream and single cream too 😛😉😋

Morning, you'll have to be quick - nearly all gone 😀🍎 @jpea

Story of my life Ange 😅😅 @anges

Yummy 😋

Can I reserve a piece of the next crumble you make please! 🥧

Sounds yum.

Oh dear! 😆 @jpea

Thanks Elaine, it was 😆 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Of course Sue! Lots of 🍎🍎🍎 to be used up! @lilybee

It was Charlotte, even if I do say so myself 😆 @charlotte

Yummy 😋 @anges
Mid Summer 2019

Hi everyone, have a marvellous Monday ☺ 🍎🍏🍎🍏 #appletree #gyo #anges-mygarden #apple #apples

Morning Ange, what a lovely place to sit 😍😍

Morning Jane, thanks, I like having different sitting areas around the garden - although I don't sit for very long as I notice something that needs doing usually 😁 @pelly

Fabulous view 😍

Morning Sue, thanks very much 😊🍎💚🍏 @suerichards

I know that feeling well, me and the OH sit and have a glass of wine sometimes in the evening and I’m always dashing off to get my snips 🙄😂

Yes, that's it!! 😁 @pelly

Morning Ange what a chocolate box view....😍👌🏼

That looks like a lovely quiet spot Ange.

Morning Elaine ☺ thanks very much 💚 Have a lovely day 🌼🌼🌼 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

@jendren Morning Nicola, thank you ☺💚🍎🍏 have a good day 🌞

That looks beautiful A 🤩
Mid Summer 2019

Lots of 🍎🍏🍎 this year 😋 #gyo #appletree


Apple crumble Lydia 😋 😁 @lydiastirling (although these are eating apples)

Laxtons superb is a lovely apple. I cant blame you making apple crumble with them 😋🍎🍏🥧
Early Spring 2019

So pretty 🍎🌸🍎🌸🍎
Late Autumn 2018
Hi all, nearly 🍎🍏 crumble time 😄 Have a super Sunday 🌸🌸🌸 #kitchengarden 🥧
Ohh, they look so good 🍏🍎🍏
Hi Ange 👋 I've took down an old badly cankored apple tree last year and unfortunately forgot that my remaining one isn't self fertilising (wad a stupid mistaka to maka) now I've just 3 apples on the Ergremont russet tree 🙄😏
Delicious 😋
They're actually eating apples but I always bake with them 😋🥧 @pelly @Auricula
Oh no, will you plant another tree? 🍎🍏 @jpea
Bet they make a scrumptious Dorset Apple Cake🍏🍎
They look delish 🤤
@anges I have but it blossoms earlier so maybe a 3rd 😏
Morning ☕
Yum! @Auricula 😋
Thanks, roll on Autumn! 😆 @juliesgarden