Myosotis arvensis
Common Forget-me-not
Early Spring 2020
- 8
Early Spring 2020
- 17
Early Spring 2019
- 6
Late Summer 2018
- 15

Myosotis arvensis
Early Spring 2020
Early Spring 2020

The first of the many Forget-me-nots starting to flower 💙


Very pretty 😊😊💙💙🌼🌼

Beautiful. Amazing tones/colors. I've never seen ones like this. One of my favs 💕💙💙💙💕

Thanks ladies 💙💙💙 @juliesgarden @midnightgardener @angeljen @gjones

Sweetest flowers 💙💙💙

I love them, especially under tulips or any spring flowering plants 😊💙 @kez001uk

@anges that’s given me a place to put mine for next year 😁 thank you Ange ☺️

😀 you're welcome! I need to move some of mine to underneath tulips in the front garden but it's been quite windy and dry recently and I don't think they'd like it 😯 @kez001uk

@anges the wind has been a pain 😜 and who’d have thought we’d be wanting more rain?!? 😂 the world truly is going crazy 🤣

I know, it's mad! I planted a hedge in the front garden a few weeks ago and it's hardly rained since so I'm having to water it with the hosepipe 🙄😁 @kez001uk

@anges dreading those days again. 2 hour watering sessions 😫
Early Spring 2019

Forget me nots were looking very 'frothy' yesterday 💙 19.4.19

Morning Ange 😀👋

Hi James 😀💙 @bandicoot

Thanks Jason, they're at their best at the moment 💙 @Jasonsparkes1
Gorgeous - I just can't weed my veg bed until the forget me not has finished!

@darroch 😁 that would be me too 😀
Late Summer 2018

#self-seeded If I thin these out, should I pot them individually or transplant seedlings to where I want them when they're a bit bigger? Any #advice would be appreciated. Thanks 💙

Yes thin them out and pot some on to put where you want them 😁

They'd be fine if dug up with their roots & kept well watered. I have these & they are a nightmare for spreading everywhere, so unless you really love them, I'd not be spreading them around willingly 😁

@hayleyaj @jeatacake Thanks both of you. I like them to be honest, especially under tulips n they're easy enough to rip out when they're done! 😁 My dad says they're weeds!! 😁

I'm with your dad on this one! 😁

@jeatacake I suspected you were! 😂

@ukjohnny Yes that sounds like a good plan! Thanks John 💙

They are not weeds! 😂 I had lots in terracotta pots last spring and they looked fab! Such a pretty pretty flower xx

@hayleyaj I'm with you Hayley! 😉 I like them n they do seed like mad but that just means free plants 😀 💙 thanks again.

Best plants are self seeded as they obviously love your garden. I've had soooo many self seeded Verbana this year which tells me they like mine too!

@hayleyaj I haven't got any Verbena - I could give them a go - I like self seeders 😊

I'll send you some plants! I've loads!! 😂
Hi everyone, the forget me nots were looking fine in the sunshine yesterday ☀️💙☀️💙☀️ Have a good Friday 🐰🌼🐰🌼 #blue #yellow
Morning Ange, I bought a rose for my best friend tgst died of cancer, I planted forget me nots all around it. I've moved it this year so you've just reminded me to put some more around it in it's new position 😊
What a gorgeous sight 💙💙💙
Beautiful! Great view of beautiful blue 😊😊💙💙💙💙
That will look beautiful Angie 💙💙💙
Thanks very much @pelly @gjones @midnightgardener
Thanks Annette 💙💙💙 @laketitlow