Mid Winter 2020
- 24
Early Spring 2019
- 8
Early Spring 2019
- 10
Early Spring 2019
- 5
Early Spring 2019
- 10
Late Summer 2018
- 1

Mid Winter 2020
Early Spring 2019

Hi everyone, really pleased with these #daffodils I bought in Dobbies (mixed selection) Lots of variety which is good. If anyone can #plantid any I would be very grateful 😀 Thanks 💛 Have a fantastic Friday .... very nearly the weekend 🎉

Have a super weekend 🧡💛

Morning Sue 😊 thank you, you too 🌞 @suerichards

Morning Ang ...did the same thing 💛💛💛

Hi! My husband and I both took a look at your flower. We we both are Daffodil judges. It’s really hard to identify daffs from photos. It does help to take a photo from the front as you did, and one from the side to see the cup. There is a great resource called Daffseek that has a database of descriptions and photos. Any idea where you got the bulb, how long you have had it, what zone it is growing in?

Hi Julie 😀 great minds .... 💛 @juliesgarden

@janetandjim Thanks Janet I will have a look on the website and do as you suggest - didn't think it would be so complicated 😁 I'm pleased with them all anyway, which is the main thing 😊

Absolutely. Sometimes we need to just stand back and enjoy, and not worry about names.
Early Spring 2019

#plantid please 💛

Ive got this one ange. No idea what variety it is, but its my favorite 🤗

I really like it Dave, first for me tbh - quite large blooms which I like 😊💛 If anyone IDs it I will let you know ☺ Morning btw 👋

Oops good morning to you aswell . My weekend starts today, although my wife turn up with two cans of emulsion, so looks like im painting. Im sure frank will help 🤭

😊 Look forward to those photos!! 😁 whoop enjoy 😉

Morning Ange, no idea but it's certainly lovely! 💛💛

It is a 4Y-Y, but it’s hard to give a name from a photo. If you enter 4Y-Y on Daffseek, a list of call flowers with the same division and color code will pop up. You can look to see if any come close (warning: you will receive probably hundreds of choices with 4Y-Y)

Hi Sue, thanks I really like it aswell 💛 never had this one before ☺

Thanks Katie ☺ @gjones
Early Spring 2019

#plantid please 💚

I'm not good at id on daffs but they are all lovely 😍

The color code will be W-O, but I would need a photo from the side to identify the division.

Me neither Angie, thank you 💛 @angiecrazycatlady

Thanks Janet @janetandjim
Early Spring 2019

Morning Ange, perfection 💛💛

#plantid please 💛

Morning Jane, thanks very much 💛 Hoping to tidy up the border with all these daffs in tomorrow - haven't had chance since the gales. Some have snapped off or look a bit battered 😯 Going to do it whatever the weather! 😀

It’s such a shame they don’t name them on the packaging. I am in the same situation, lots of beautiful daffodils but no names 🤦♀️

Yes agreed Sue, it can't be that difficult to include the names even on a mixed selection 😄 @suerichards

Sometimes mixed bags of daffs are bulbs that hybridizers have grown, and do not introduce. If they were not introduced, then they would not have a name. It’s a Y-Y.

Ok thanks Janet 😁 I was hoping for a nicer name 😂 @janetandjim

Lovely lemon shade 🍋💛

It’s a lovely plant with good form. It probably has a name but it’s hard to identify from the photo. Let me know if the cup lightens and turns whiter over time. If so, then it’s a reverse and might be easier to identify.

Thanks Kerry 💛 @kez001uk
Late Summer 2018

Mixed bag of Daffodil bulbs for front and back garden #yellow 💛
Hello 😊 the daffodils are starting to flower, enjoying the sunshine yesterday 💛 #startingtofeellikespring 😊 Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone 💛 4.2.20 #daffodil #narcissus #yellow #spring #newgrowth
Morning Jason 💛 🙋♀️ @Jasonsparkes1
Morning Ange, mine are still just buds at the moment, at least that's what I think they are 👋👋😁
Morning Ange, some of mine will hopefully open today, mind you I said that yesterday 🙄😂💛
Morning JP, a lot of my newly planted bulbs are still in bud aswell 😊 @jpea
Hi Jane, hopefully if there's a bit of sun today they'll bloom their little socks off (& the wind can do one!) 😊 @pelly
I haven't a clue how long mine have been in but it's exciting nevertheless Ange 😁
Sure is 😃 @jpea
I hope so Ange, I’m ready for some colour 👍💛
Won't be long now...... 🕰😃 @pelly
Morning Ang ... loads out here 💛💛💛
Morning Julie, fab! So cheerful aren't they?! 💛 @juliesgarden