Mid Summer 2019
Late Spring 2019

Cataloguing this one called Crazytunia Tiki Torch - freebies with the Night Sky ones from T n M #bargainbetty (photo off their website - for reference) 7.6.19❤

I grew these last year and they were beautiful👍 Definitely a favorite of mine

@littlemorningglory Thanks Gracie, that's good to know ☺ I like the look of them on the photo 😍 hope they do ok!


Bought the Night Sky ones because my daughter is studying Astrophysics and she loves it 😄 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Lol, astrophysics and petunias go hand in hand you know... 🤣🤣

Of course! 😀 @lesliecole49

Don’t blame you..🌝🌚✨
Hi everyone, happy Thursday ❤💗❤💗❤ ☺ #crazytunia #crazytuniatikitorch These were free when I bought 'Night Sky' Petunia plugs, really like them ☺
Morning Ang too ❤️💛
I agree Katy, the flowers last for a long time too 👌☺ @gjones Thanks ☺
Morning Julie, it's thanks to you (in a round about way) that I have these 😀 I bought the Night Sky Petunias after seeing them in your garden last year - when I had just joined Garden Tags - I hadn't seen them before, so this year I was determined to find some & I ended up being sent these as well 😀 🙏 @juliesgarden
Morning Ange 😁 👋 pretty ones!
Morning James 😀 @bandicoot Thanks
Morning Ange, I might just try petunia next year 🤔
Give them a go ☺ I prefer these to the more traditional looking Petunias which I bought at the GC - the flowers last longer and don't get sticky or need constant deadheading 😬😁 @jpea
Strawberries and cream. Beautiful
Oh yes! Thanks Sue 🍓🍓🍓 @suerichards
I'll maybe try a pot or basket first @anges
Morning Ange very pretty 😊🌸🌸