Mid Spring 2019
Early Autumn 2018
Early Autumn 2018

Update photo ❤💚💜
Mid Summer 2018

Cataloguing 14th August 2018. This says Sedum Purpureum on the label but I cannot find it in GT encyclopedia. Is that a general name? Or do we have to say Stonecrop now?! Thanks🌸 SEDUM SPATHULIFOLIUM.

You can add it to the encyclopedia, I'm pretty sure someone checks the ones added because I did one and a day later I checked and it had a totally different name, and it all checked out.

Ange, sedums have been given a totally new classification, some long and unpronounceable name! I’ll try to find out what the new name is and let you know. 🤞👍 @anges

@jacaranda oh great - thank you Barbara 😊

The RHS has them listed as Hylotelephium now, Ange, with various sub divisions. Yours comes up as Sedum spathulifolium but you might want to do a bit of research yourself just to be sure. I hope this helps 🤞👍😘 @anges

@jacaranda Thank you so much Barbara 💐. You're a 🌟. I will update my catalogue 😉
Love these little flowers on the Sedum 💛
Morning @anges we have a few sedums in but they not to big yet. To be honest I am surprised how much the garden has changed in the last couple of weeks I live it. 💐💐💐💐💐
Morning ☺ this one is a low growing one but I've got Autumn Joy and others that are really growing now ☺ @wtwitchell6969
We trying to grow our garden from as small as we can. With seedlings and young plants we can watch grow we was going to get some older plants but I think it’s more important to me to watch things flourish and help them survive 🌹
Sounds like a plan ☺ Will you take them with you when you move house? 🏠