Tulipa (Double Early Group)
Mid Spring 2021
Mid Summer 2020

Went to Wilko for some shampoo, came out with these! 😆 Oh well, it's got to be done! Love the colour of these and I've always had good results with Wilko bulbs 😃 #queenofmarvel

Much more exciting than shampoo! 😉

Much more! I'm the same every year 😂 @italydiva

I've ordered mine online this year and went for Peter Nyssen bulbs. Got sick of #wilkoroulette and mislabelled bulbs. The last time I bought bulbs in Wilko 4 packets turned out to be different than on the label.

I don't know, does it?!! 😃😂 @ukjohnny

I remember you saying that before 😃 Luckily I haven't had that trouble with Wilko bulbs 😃 @ublaszko

@anges evening hope this doesn’t sound a silly question but do you as summer draws to an end (which hopping not to soon) when do u start cutting back your flowers and what sort of plants do u plant for winter Hope that all makes sence xx

Not a silly question at all! To be honest it all depends on the plants, but I try and leave everything for as long as I can - depends if the plant has berries, autumn colour, rosehips etc... I leave Hydrangeas til Spring. I kind of tidy things up as they get messy. @kylaroberts

Thank u. Is there a time that you stop planting due to ending off flowering. As I still there is lot still in garden centers pansies would u it be a waste off money wait till next year xx

For Winter I have #snowdrops, #hellebores #viburnum #crocus and we've got #laurel and a few other #evergreen shrubs & Box topiary so it's not all bare and empty. I also plant up some pots with Winter bedding plants like #pansies and #cyclamen for colour aswell. Then Spring - #daffodils and #tulips, #hyacinths #grapehyacinths ... the list goes on! Hope this helps - feel free to ask away! 😃👍🌸 @kylaroberts

It kind of depends what it is - if it's Summer flowering pansies then I'd be inclined to wait for the Winter ones now as they'll keep going on and on right through til early Summer next year if you look after them. My Summer pansies have been in since about March and some are looking a bit sad and leggy! I can't wait to take them out but I'll wait a bit longer yet. I plant Winter pansies around the end of October @kylaroberts

@anges thank you much you have helped loads xxx
Hi all, another pot of tulips in bloom #tulipqueenofmarvel 💝 Have a great day! #springgarden #tulip #pink 😃
Beautiful... morning Ange 🌸
Morning Ange, very pretty 🌷🌷🌷
Thank you both 🌷🌷 @juliesgarden @pelly 😃😃
Hi Ange 🙋 you too, lovely photo
Thanks very much 😃🌷 @jpea
Just got to love tulips! 🌷💕
Morning Ange ☕
I know, so many to choose from too!! 😄🌷🌷🌷 @italydiva
Good morning 😃🌷🌷🌷 @hebelover
Can never have enough...😆🌷
Great pic Ange!