This poor #Kalanchoe has been forgotten about in a south facing spare bedroom window & has taken on a crinkled vintage look about it. Lost all it's bottom leaves. Will need some TLC. These are the smallest #gnomes I have. They are 5cm high & more than 20 yrs old.
This poor #Kalanchoe has been forgotten about in a south facing spare bedroom window & has taken on a crinkled vintage look about it. Lost all it's bottom leaves. Will need some TLC. These are the smallest #gnomes I have. They are 5cm high & more than 20 yrs old.
Love things that are "mini" and love that robin mug!
Thank @riakat It's really a Christmas mug but it was in a spare bedroom so it didn't really matter.
#Katy #red #gnome #mug #teenytiny
I love it and those tiny gnomes ♥♥♥