I was going to feature 2 Potentillas growing over the wall but guess who stole the show as usual. He's finally behind bars for all his garden & wildlife crimes😂😂Difficult to keep a good photobomber out of the limelight however there is 1 #Potentilla Fruiticosa Abbotswood on show on the right. Potentillas are great for a smallish shrub that has a long flowering season with masses of flowers. Many colours now. Best value shrub. Can be pruned to size for small gardens too.
I was going to feature 2 Potentillas growing over the wall but guess who stole the show as usual. He's finally behind bars for all his garden & wildlife crimes😂😂Difficult to keep a good photobomber out of the limelight however there is 1 #Potentilla Fruiticosa Abbotswood on show on the right. Potentillas are great for a smallish shrub that has a long flowering season with masses of flowers. Many colours now. Best value shrub. Can be pruned to size for small gardens too.
But your garden photos are even more fun to look at with the "try to find photobomber" element! 😃🐾
Aw bless him, just being nosey thats all 🐶🐶
You should have called him shadow follows u everywhere, hes cute though gota luv him 😍
He does look lovely as do your railings 😍