#Weigela Bristol Ruby, #Weigela Florida #Weigela Florida Variagated & the only one not flowering at the moment #Weigela Florida Purpurea. Good value shrub lots of flowers for little effort.
Oh I think you've just helped me identify one of mine. I had one with deep red maroon flowers (which coincidently looks like it hasn't any buds on it this year) but I could never work out what variety it was. Suspect now it's Bristol Ruby. Certainly have both Florida and Florida Variegated. Thank you Mo! 😁
Thanks @richard.spicer.7906 They're all mature fairly old shrubs except the dark leafed #Weigela Florida Purpurea which was only planted late last year. Look forward to seeing it's flower. It's supposed to be a deep rosy pink so suspect colour is somewhere between the others. Supposed to flower in May/June so looks like flowering next year although I bought it for the foliage. I like the dark foliage contrast in the borders.
#Weigela Bristol Ruby, #Weigela Florida #Weigela Florida Variagated & the only one not flowering at the moment #Weigela Florida Purpurea. Good value shrub lots of flowers for little effort.
Beautiful weigela's @angipangi 😘
Fantastic collage 😀
Brilliant #collage Mo 😍😍
lovely wigglers :)
Oh I think you've just helped me identify one of mine. I had one with deep red maroon flowers (which coincidently looks like it hasn't any buds on it this year) but I could never work out what variety it was. Suspect now it's Bristol Ruby. Certainly have both Florida and Florida Variegated. Thank you Mo! 😁
Thanks @richard.spicer.7906 They're all mature fairly old shrubs except the dark leafed #Weigela Florida Purpurea which was only planted late last year. Look forward to seeing it's flower. It's supposed to be a deep rosy pink so suspect colour is somewhere between the others. Supposed to flower in May/June so looks like flowering next year although I bought it for the foliage. I like the dark foliage contrast in the borders.