Ficus Religiosa
Mid Spring 2019
Early Winter 2018

Fresh new peepal leaves make my day... #ficusreligiosa #fresh #newleaves #sprouting #newlife #redleaves #peepal #treesofindia #indiadiaries #india #leafstories #redfoliage #foliage
Late Summer 2018

It's #peepal tree, considered to have a religious significance in three major religions that originated on the #Indian subcontinent, #Buddhism, #Hinduism and #Jainism. It's used in #traditional #medicine for about 50 types of disorders including #asthma, #diabetes, #diarrhea, #epilepsy, #gastric problems and #inflammatory disorders. It's one of the trees which provides #24hours #oxygen. #filepic #India


Very useful tree! #herbalmedicine #tree #ficus #sacredfigtree

@waris11 ⬆️⬆️⬆️

@ankur1406 sounds like no home should be without one! It is beautiful! Partial to ficus!
Why the new leaves of most trees are a shade of red or reddish brown? These new leaves are important for the growth of the plant and so need to be protected mainly from pests. Insect eyes cannot see the colour red clearly. So the new leaves survive in spite of the onslaught of insect life. #newleaves #springtime #colourblind #leavemealone #nature #peepal #redleaves #knowledge