#kanakchampa leaf has lovely double shade – a dark green face contrasted with a light green back. Flowers and leaves are used in treating headaches, ulcers, wounds, coughs, colds, bleeding disorders, etc. As well its light golden colored flowers are highly scented. #ornamental #shady #ayurveda #scentedflowers #fragrance #bayurtree #bayur #karnikara #dinnerplatetree #mapleleafedbayurtree #muchakunda #medicinal #plantsofindia #doubshaded
It's the foliage of tall tree (more than 12 meters in height), almost in rectangle shape, tree has no flower and no fruit, but I don't know #plantid 😞.
@natii @Annettenoosa The tree is native to Indian subcontinent. It is commonly referred to as #KanakChampa, #Muchakunda, #Karnikara, #BayurTree, #Bayog, #MapleLeafedBayurTree and #DinnerPlateTree.
@blooming_hopes I'm sorry, I somehow forgot to to tag you 🙈 Thanks to you, too of course! 🙂 The flowers seem to be quite big, I can only imagine how lovely the smell must be 😊
#kanakchampa leaf has lovely double shade – a dark green face contrasted with a light green back. Flowers and leaves are used in treating headaches, ulcers, wounds, coughs, colds, bleeding disorders, etc. As well its light golden colored flowers are highly scented. #ornamental #shady #ayurveda #scentedflowers #fragrance #bayurtree #bayur #karnikara #dinnerplatetree #mapleleafedbayurtree #muchakunda #medicinal #plantsofindia #doubshaded
What an impressive tree! 😊 And so far away from Fagus 🤦🏽😂