Clematis viticella 'Justa'
- Early Autumn 2017
- 25
- Mid Summer 2017
- 6
Eggshells are a nice touch! 🙂
Haha yeah @gareth_garden I think they add a touch of class! 😉 I'm learning my lesson from last time, I planted a clematis Montana in this bed last year but the slugs got it and it only survived two weeks, so I'm not taking any chances with this one!
@annagraham that's definitely class, don't see people using these techniques as much just all about quick and easy chemicals. What a reward from the Clematis as well. Stunning flower. 😃
Apparently coffee grinds are good too 👍🏼
Yeah @gareth_garden I prefer using egg shells than anything else because I'm trying to attract hedgehogs to the garden so I don't want them getting ill from poisoned slugs or anything 😕
Oh that's good to know @richard.spicer.7906 thanks 😊
I think @annagraham chemicals in moderation definitely have a place. And normally I would avoid where possible but sometimes they are a useful tool. There are far worse thinks you can do, like having an incredibly tidy garden. You will get no hedgehogs in a tidy garden 😂
Well I'm in absolutely no danger of that at the moment! 😂 @gareth_garden
Not the best picture but I'm just happy to see a flower on it at this time of year to be honest! 😊
I will be buying a clematis to put against my back fence and this one is really nice. The one I decided on is the Prince Charles variety. @annagraham