Hibiscus syriacus 'Oiseau Bleu' syn. Hibiscus syriacus 'Blue Bird'
Rose of Sharon 'Blue Bird'
Mid Summer 2018
- 10

Hibiscus syriacus 'Oiseau Bleu' syn. Hibiscus syriacus 'Blue Bird'
Mid Summer 2018
#advice-needed please, this is supposed to be hibiscus blue bird but I've had it four years now and it puts on loads of growth every year but has never flowered, compared to a much smaller plant that I bought only two years ago, is much smaller and flowered last summer and has loads of buds this summer as well. This one is in a pot but I repotted it into a bigger pot this year hoping that would help and its grown lots but still no sign of buds 😔 help please
I always give mine chicken poop in spring and it thrives, hundreds of buds! Maybe try next year. Is it in a sunny position aswell? X
Would be better in the ground I think
@dan5584 thanks yeah I gave it chicken manure last year, its in partial sun, I guess it could be moved to a sunnier position, would that help?
@joanboston thanks I would put it in the ground but we're in a rented house and will be having to move soon so I've kept things that I knew I wanted to take with me in pots
The more sun the better if you can do it! X
I agree with @dan5584 and @joanboston and I also trim #hisbiscus around the same time as #hydrangea February March and I get lots of buds @annagraham
fullsun @annagraham
Definitely full sun 👍
It would benefit from regular feed , every month or so and a bigger pot if you don’t want to plant it. Weekly watering too. Good luck😀