Help me identify this plant #plantid #help! Inherited container in new garden. Not quite sure what we have here... story of my life, clueless. Need to know whether or not to dig it out.
Maybe. But seems early for so much growth. Do the leaves smell I you scrunch them. If yes. Artemisia. If no then foliage of anemone de Caen or Brigitte.
Help me identify this plant #plantid #help! Inherited container in new garden. Not quite sure what we have here... story of my life, clueless. Need to know whether or not to dig it out.
@annaksrid Artemisia absinthum • Wormwood
@ianshaw thank you very much!
Maybe. But seems early for so much growth. Do the leaves smell I you scrunch them. If yes. Artemisia. If no then foliage of anemone de Caen or Brigitte.
@ashtonunderhillopengardens @ianshaw #plantid new development.... has produced yellow flowers......