Carica papaya
Late Autumn 2020
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Late Summer 2020
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Late Summer 2020
- 2
Late Summer 2020
- 5
Early Summer 2019
- 5

Carica papaya
Late Autumn 2020
Late Summer 2020

Well, another garden surprise - no seeds in my #selfseed Paw Paw. Queensland is the country's home of tropical fruit. Mostly local supermarkets sell locally sourced fruit and veg, so, chances are original seed came from Qld non-GM fruit. Be interesting to see if other three fruit are sterile. Still edible, this one is being pickled - ready in 72 hours. #pawpaw @richard.spicer.7906 Richard, thought you might be interested in this

#gyo #summerfruit


Very interesting - possible a hybrid? They can be sterile and produce no seed but still a fruit
Late Summer 2020

Paw Paw. three remaining fruit. Despite bad light and protected from rain, this #selfseeded tree has surprised me by producing a crop and more on the way. New fruit will probably do better as the tree has now reached for the light and has rain catching branches. More pickled Paw Paw on the way. #gyo #pawpaw

Lovely #collage 💚💚
Late Summer 2020

Paw Paw. First pick of #selfseed fruit. Taken since June '19 to fruit from first flower. Three more small fruit waiting to get first gold colour so they can be picked, plus a few pollinated flowers. Amazing really as tree is growing in all the wrong conditions. These fruits will be pickled using at least four decades old recipe book my mum gave me, to encourage an interest in pickling. Just finishing the last of 2016 batch of my pickled paw paw from previous garden #gyo #pawpaw



@garypoetryman Thank you 😁😂🤣 2016, not 1916.

What a vintage that would have been!!
Early Summer 2019

Paw Paw, (Papaya) self seeded. Growing in a difficult area under cover and reaching for light. Totally surprised me by fruiting and holding four good sized fruit. Garden in this home I moved to three years ago is a great challenge. Hot dry areas, windy shaded areas, wet bogs and clay or sand plus destructive grasshoppers. Well, if Paw Paws like this area, I will plant a few at the front where they will get their needed sunshine and receive water when it rains. #pawpaw #selfseed #gyo

Love paw paw in salad 🌴💕

@LisaCollection My previous property with beautiful soil, produced a continuous supply of giant paw paw. I pickled the last crop and I am still enjoying some of the abundant harvest. They are delicious pickled.

Yes its delicious pickled or in soup.. 😊

Paw Paw. Self seeded. Unlikely to give me any fruit as it only produces male flowers. Provides a bit of shade protection in Summer and some Winter flowers for the bees, so it can stay where it is for the time being. It will eventually get too big and have to be removed or pruned. Other jobs to do, so for now, we will enjoy the delicate flowers. #pawpaw
I can so relate to your last sentence. Never seen these in flower. Very nice.