Coleus amboinicus 'Variegatus' syn. Plectranthus amboinicus 'Variegatus'
Cuban Oregano 'Variegatus'
Early Summer 2018
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Coleus amboinicus 'Variegatus' syn. Plectranthus amboinicus 'Variegatus'
Early Summer 2018
Plectanthus Amboinicus variegated. Has a pungent oregano/mint type aroma - (love it, or hate it - I love it). Edible leaves used in salads or cooked with casseroles or added spice to vegies. Leaves used as mosquito repellant. When weather cools enough to venture out I want to propagate this colourful plant through my tropical garden to try to repel the mosquitoes that love the warm, moist and shady area; it will also add some lovely ground colour contrast. #plectanthus #varigated-cubanoregano
Remind me to bring you some cuttings when I visit with Kathie!!