Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Uubeecee'
Hibiscus 'Uubeecee'
Mid Spring 2020
- 8
Early Autumn 2020
- 12
Mid Summer 2020
- 4
Late Spring 2019
- 3
Mid Winter 2019
- 7
Early Autumn 2019
- 6
Late Summer 2019
- 10

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Uubeecee'
Mid Spring 2020
Early Autumn 2020

Hibiscus 'Uubeecee'. Cooler months are creating softer tones of peach and honey on this flower. Summer will bring bolder colours of amber and gold. #hibiscus #hibiscus-uubeecee

@Annettenoosa your hibiscus collection is amazing 😀😀

So I want some tips from you for care of my hibiscus 😅

@akshat Thank you. They are an easy plant to grow in warm climate. I like easy care gardening so my Hibiscus do not get much attention. They need to be pruned as flowers grow on new growth. Prune at end of Winter when there is no chance of frost. Here in subtropics there is no frost so mine are continually part pruned all year. Foliar feed of seaweed spray a few times a year.

Thanks @Annettenoosa 😊

Do people actually grow hibiscus from seed? Haven't seen the seed before. Awesome flower

@buzzygems Hibiscus enthusiasts rub the seed on sandpaper to break the tough exterior of the seed, then plant and grow. They cross pollinate by hand too. Growing from seed gives a chance of creating a new, rare and beautiful flower. All a bit too challenging for me. I have not seen seeds for sale.

Where will I even harvest the seed from . Dunno which part? @Annettenoosa

@buzzygems Flower has to be polinated before producing seeds which appear similar to Rosella (sabdariffa) seeds. Centre stem from centre of flower contains the male (lower, yellow) and female (pink tip) parts of flower. Take pollen on cotton bud from another hibiscus bush (yellow part) and brush on tip of flower to pollinate. Advise you to search 'pollinate hibiscus' on YouTube for vision of process. Happy to help you further 🦋

@buzzygems stem of pollinated flower has to be marked (tape) as flower will fall off making it hard to find a flower stem with seed forming. Good luck if you take on the challenge 🦋🦋

I have to hand pollinate before I can get seeds? Is that all is required? Will definitely try this. Thanks @Annettenoosa

@buzzygems I am not sure how long the seedhead takes for seeds to mature, so, like any seedhead, you have to watch when the seedhead looks ready to open so you can catch the seeds. https://www.pilotonline.com/life/article_4dc0aaed-0ab0-5a7d-8e81-095483f44a15.html
Mid Summer 2020

Hibiscus 'uubeecee. Unusual colour makes this one of my favourites. #hibiscus #hibiscus-uubeecee



Very pretty! @Annettenoosa
Late Spring 2019

Hibiscus 'Uubeecee'. Back to my own garden after a great experience and wonderful trip to Northern India. #hibiscus #hibiscus-uubeecee

I remember this from earlier in the year 😍 it’s such an unusual but beautiful one 💛

@kez001uk Yes Kerry, colour is like caramel. Even though it is not a prolific bloomer or large flower, it is special as it is the only one I have found in Oz to have been bred by specialist Hibiscus hybridizer, Charles Atiu of Moorea.
Mid Winter 2019

Hibiscus 'uubeecee'. One of my favourite Hibiscus. Flowers the colour of chocolate and caramel. This Hibiscus seems to be happiest flowering in Winter. The breeder of this Hibiscus is Charles Atiu - see link. I wush I could find some more of his beauties. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/477381629246731057/ #hibiscus #hibiscus-uubeecee

Wow I’ve never seen anything like that, looks like caramel!


@dan5584 Thank you. I have just added a link to Charles Atiu who is the breeder of my Hibiscus. His hibiscus are spectacular. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/477381629246731057/

I’ve just had a quick look! Amazing!!!!!! Thank you x

Very beautiful 😍

Early Autumn 2019

Hibiscus 'uubeecee'. Always a delight to open the blinds in the morning and see this beauty blooming. # hibiscus #hibiscus-uubeecee


#perfect #golden #coloured #hibiscus

Wow I bet it is! It's such an unusual colour 🌺

Beautiful colour 🧡💛🧡

Late Summer 2019

Hibiscus 'uubeecee'. Bred by the Hawaiian Hibiscus Master, Charles Atiu. The heat must be ageeeing with this shrub. This is the best flower since planting March 2018. Nearly time for the next annual Hibiscus Spectacular in March. Amazing hibiscus will be on show and some of them will have a new home in my garden. #hibiscus #hibiscus-uubeecee

That is just stunning! The colours are gorgeous 😍🤩😍


Beautiful colours

Wowee!! #bestoffeb

Amazing colour 👌

Holy cow!! That's beautiful! 💛

Wowowowowow!!! 😍

How fabulous 💛💛

Hibiscus 'uubeecee'. Not the biggest or most prolific bloomer but this Hibiscus is a special favourite. Bred by the Master of Hibiscus, Charles Atiu, and one of the few of his flowers that has made it through the strict quarantine on plant imports to this country. Shades of pink centre surrounded with colours of caramel and honey, edged in gold. #hibiscus #hibiscus-uubeecee https://hibiscusaddict.wordpress.com/tag/charles-atiu/
#bestofseptember colour is so stunning!
Absolutely Gorgeous 😍
Pure gold, fantastic
So pretty 😍
Wow!! Beautiful 💛💛
#brown #greatcolor