Passiflora edulis 'Panama Gold'
Passionfruit 'Panama Gold'
Mid Autumn 2020
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Late Summer 2020
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Late Summer 2020
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Mid Summer 2020
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Mid Summer 2020
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Early Summer 2019
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Late Spring 2019
- 3
Late Autumn 2019
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Mid Autumn 2019
- 3
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
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Early Autumn 2019
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Late Summer 2019
- 8
Mid Summer 2019
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Mid Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Late Spring 2018
- 8
Early Spring 2018
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Early Spring 2018
- 1
Early Winter 2018
- 1
Late Autumn 2018
- 4
Late Autumn 2018
- 4
Late Autumn 2018
- 5
Late Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Autumn 2018
- 9
Late Summer 2018
- 5

Passiflora edulis 'Panama Gold'
Mid Autumn 2020
Late Summer 2020

Small selfseed seedlings on left transplanted from front to back of garden. They now join the (right) neighbouring, self seed vine that chose the correct place to grow. Never planned to have passionfruit growing over my patio. Sometimes nature gives me a helping hand. Have to watch they do not grow over the roof. Just as well I love passionfruit. #selfseed #happyaccident @kariSamuel #passionfruit-panamagold
Late Summer 2020

This healthy looking Passionfruit has self seeded in the wrong place. Does that make it a weed? Not when it gets moved to the right place! Moved to back to grow with Stephonatis supported on patio railing. Now my patio will be perfumed as well as decorated with delicious golden fruit. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold #selfseed

Sure looks like a #happyplant to me! I would say it is also a #happyaccident when I get new plants from my old ones! Keep us updated!
Mid Summer 2020

Passionfruit 'Panama Gold. Yippee. The rain has brought on 15 New fruit. Only had 5 (next post) up to this point. From the first rainfall a week ago, the vine started flowering. Steady rain has increased the crop. A bit of feed now and hopefully, another abundant crop. I love this fruit and am down to my last six frozen from the last crop. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold
Mid Summer 2020

Golden Panama Passionfruit. Been diligently monitoring these ripening passionfruit, the first of the season, and watching out for the Cockatoos that will eat and destroy if they get them before I do. Crop has been a bit sparse until the rain. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold
Early Summer 2019

Passionfruit 'Panama Gold'. I was concerned the Cockatoos might get the three ripening passionfruit while I was away for Christmas. No need for concern as two more fruit blossomed. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold

Wow! How awesome to be able to grow tropical 🏝 fruits like these at your house.. they sell the fruit here for 5.00 for two lousy looking passion fruits.. they look amazing 😉

@dinaautore They are big, golden and sweet. I do appreciate the privilege of such delicious fruit from my garden. The vine is very generous, giving enough fruit to share and freeze for a continuous supply.
Late Spring 2019

Passionfruit 'Panama Gold. Today's garden surprise. When everyrhing is looking dry and drooping, the passionfruit vine is racing along the fence after its winter trim. Big surprise to find 3 passionfruit, I did not notice any flowers. The whole process from flower to fruit must have taken place while I was on holiday. Promising start for another good crop. #passionfruit #passionfruitpanamagold

Ooh nice surprise 😊😊♥️♥️

@midnightgardener all we need is some rain to fatten them up and produce more flowers.
Late Autumn 2019

Passionfruit 'Panama Gold'. Ready to join the others in the freezer. Vine is showing signs of slowing down for winter giving me a chance to give it a good prune. Frozen stock will see me deliciously through winter. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold

Yum 😋.. love passionfruit.

@ashvar This vine started fruiting 6 months after planting and has given me a continuous golden bounty for 18 months.

Lucky you😊 in Victoria it’s different . You would hardly get the fruit even though the vine is fully grown. Enjoy it :) Passionfruit brings back nice childhood memories ☺️coming from a tropical island .
Mid Autumn 2019

Flower of Panama Gold Passionfruit. Flower is as beautiful as the fruit is delicious. Keeps flowering and fruiting. No sign of slowing down for winter. Yum #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold

These flowers are so incredible! Gorgeous photo 😍

Thank you @kez001uk yes, they are amazingly beautiful flowers.
Mid Autumn 2019

New harvest of 'Panama Gold' Passionfruit in progress. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold
Mid Autumn 2019

Passionfruit 'Panama Gold'. Never ending production line of passionfruit. Flower, including busy bee for next fruit; plus ripening fruit and the vine is covered with ready to eat passionfruit. So rewarding to pick and eat the golden ripe fruit each day. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold

That looks a very healthy vine,Annette!

Wow it looks beautiful, can we eat this fruit ?

🤔 You can’t do that in Blighty 😉😂


@jyotu passionfruit are delicious, especially on icecream. Taste is an aromatic sensation of a mixture of lemon, strawberry and pineapple

@womanonabike Wish I could send you a bucket full

It sounds tasty, it isn't available here and I've not tasted it before

@jyotu it grows in India. Maybe you know it as purple, Sweet Granadilla?

I checked the link, it available in north and South india, im living in middle part of india, I think that's why I've not seen it in our locality
Early Autumn 2019

Passionfruit 'Panama Gold'. This vine has flowers ready to produce new fruit, baby and juvenile fruit, as well as ripening and ready to eat. I am amazed and delighted. Rich in Vitamins C, B6, B3 and iron; good for heart health, thryoid and immune system. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold
Late Summer 2019

Passionfruit 'Panama Gold'. Heat is not a bother to these golden passionfruit, they just soak up the sweetness of sunshine. More on the vine for picking with new flowers promising a continuous supply. Sweet, aromatic with delicious summer flavours. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold

Looking nice

They look beautiful Annette, I'm very jealous. We just planted our first passionfruit black yesterday, we posted up a photo. Any tips on growing them successfully, we're all ears :)


These fruit look fabulous!

@averagejoe well drained soil, plenty of sunshine, feed and water. I throw a handfull of Dynamic Lifter when I think of it. They can take a year to establish and fruit.

Ok thanks @Annettenoosa I'll get started, I've got 15 new seeds planted as well yesterday, I'm learning patience slowly

How wonderful!
Mid Summer 2019

Passionfruit 'Panama Gold'. It is like growing golden sunshine. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold

Wow that beautiful. Yummy 😋
Mid Summer 2019

Yesterday's 'Panama Gold' passionfruit showing its heart of gold. Deliciously sweet, heavenly aroma and magic taste of summer on my breakfast of fresh yogurt, mango and strawberries. #passionfruit-panamagold #passionfruit

@tracygarden wish I could share the delight of this taste sensation with you. 💛☀️🌝🌞🙃

@Cyndi Panama Gold passionfruit is much sweeter than the purple passionfruit. Taste is tangy, combination of strawberry and lime. Crunchy seeds add interest. Sweet citrus aroma is a delight to the senses. Sharp, tangy flavour creates a taste contrast with sweetness of pavlova, mango, icecream, icing and added to lemon butter (lemon curd). 🌞☀️💛

Holiday in noosa... its become quite tropical now in syd this summer...
Early Summer 2018

These ripening Panama Gold Passionfruit make a fine representation of Australia's national colours of green and gold. The vine is laden and they are large. Traditionally used as a topping on the fruit on the #Christmas pavlova. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold
Early Summer 2018

Passionfruit 'Panama Gold'. Perfect weather for passionfruit. Getting bigger. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold

Nice 🙂 just add ice cream when ripe 🍧
Early Summer 2018

Passionfruit 'Panama Gold'. There will be plenty of passionfruit on the pavlova this Christmas. Big and starting to get a gold flush. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold

Late Spring 2018

Passionfruit 'Panama Gold'. Here is today's garden surprise. My passionfruit vine is covered in fruit, big ones too. I did not even notice the flowers. The last passionfruit was picked 6 weeks ago. I have not even properly finished pruning it. I did not expect fruit for another 6 months. Stunned. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold

@Annettenoosa ... wow, how amazing is that! Passion 🍈


Do you eat them?

@sushiwaitress you bet I eat them, straight from the vine and when the crop is heavy, my friends eat them too. The remainder are frozen to eat when the vine is resting. ( which should be now) 😊

Do you ever make maracuja from them? It's a dessert that a friend from Puerto Rico made once and shared with me. It's like a passion fruit mousse.

@sushiwaitress I have made Mousse do Maracuja (Brazillian Passionfruit Mousse) sooo delicious. I enjoy the passionfruit in lemon curd/butter too. Probably the favourite for Christmas is Pavlova with fruit topped with passionfruit.

Yum yum yum yum yum yum 😍
Early Spring 2018

Passionfruit, 'Panama Gold'. Fruiting finished for this season. Enough frozen in mini muffin trays to add the tangy tropical taste to the Mangoes that are starting to appear now. Love you Queensland. #passionfruit-panamagold

Yummy 😋
Early Spring 2018

Today's surprise, like finding a gift from the goose that laid the golden egg. My last passionfruit that I had been daily waiting and watching to ripen and fall, mysteriously vanished. I blamed the thieving Cockatoos. Today decided to move this succulent from under a tree and magic, my last passionfruit, big and golden ripe. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold
Early Winter 2018

Panama Gold Passionfruit. Always think the goose that laid the golden egg has been sitting on my fence when I find this golden drop from my passionfruit vine. #passionfruitpanamagold #passionfruit #gold #passionfruit-panamagold
Late Autumn 2018

Breakfast. My freshly picked passionfruit. Dragon fruit and Star fruit from my local grower. Just need to add some local honey and my freshly made yogurt. #firstdayofwinter #dragonfruit #starfruit #passionfruitpanamagold

Yummmmmmmm 💚

It's too beautiful to eat😍

Super!! #breakfast #freshisbest #brightcolours
Late Autumn 2018

Passionfruit, Panama Gold. Keeping a daily watch on the fruit that is turning gold, so are the birds. Thought I had lost these two when they were not on the ground or vine but found them where they had rolled under a bush. The smell is intoxicating. #passionfruitpanamagold #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold

@Annettenoosa I wonder why we don’t get these type in the shops, we get a brownish purple shrivelled up thing. 🤔🙏🏼👍🏼

@pixierose look for fruit that hasn’t shriveled = more pulp.

Late Autumn 2018

Passionfruit vine. Panama Gold. @gauravsh6 This is my vine growing on a fence approx 10 ft /3mt long. Side of fence faces east, backs west. Lower end of fence is north. Growing to get sun from every direction. Have to "round it up" each day otherwise it would cover trees in next garden. At my last larger property, I let it grow over the fence and up 3 wattle trees. The cockatoos and goannas enjoyed the golden bounty as much as myself and the neighbours. ...

... in the right conditions Panama Gold is a great producer. We have had an unusual, continual supply of good rain since October which is helping. Although I do not see any indication of the crop slowing down, now that we are heading to winter, I expect it will soon.🙃 #passionfruitpanamagold #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold

@Annettenoosa You’re not kidding about the rain ☔️ Finally today it’s sunny and blue skies. I can get out and repot some plants. It’s been so cold and wet I’ve had no plans to be outside in it. Hope you’re having a good day? I have family in Queensland, do your winters get cold there? 😊☔️☀️

Wonderful 😊

@pixierose well, between May-July we turn the fans off and go from sleeping under just a sheet to a blanket or light cover as well and occasionally hot water bottle or electric blanket. The summer clothes I wore in London are my winter clothes in Qld. Have to admire what the Brits go through to keep their gardens going through the long winters and once the snow melts. 🙃🌞
Late Summer 2018

Flower of Passionfruit, Panama Gold @gauravsh6 #passionfruitpanamagold

Mid Autumn 2018

Passionfruit 'Panama Gold' This is when you know your passionfruit is ripe when it is on the ground, fallen off after ripening on the vine. This is exciting. First passionfruit off this vine planted 2017. On daily watch for the rest of the ripening harvest. Pavlova shell is ready, have to make some ice cream now. Yummy 😁😎🌞🌝🙃 #passionfruitpanamagold #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold

@Annettenoosa are these the type of passion fruit that you get in the shops all brown and crinkled or is it a different variety? I had one with this colour fruits and I wasn’t sure if they were edible or not. 🤔😊🙏🏼

@pixierose no, this is a 'golden' passionfruit. I have not seen these with wrinkled skin, probably because the flesh is a bit thicker than the purple. The wrinkled one is probably a purple one. The wrinkling is normal after they have been off the vine a while and is perfectly ok. Not sure about brown colour though. The inside flesh should be nice and thick with plenty of jelly around the crisp, crunchy seeds. I prefer the sweeter taste of the golden passionfruit and they are generally larger.

@Annettenoosa Thank you 🙏🏼 I say brown but they do have a purple tint to them. I never knew about the yellow being edible! I’ll have to try one. My friend has one. Do the fruit have to drop off to know when they’re ready? 😊🙏🏼👍🏼

The fruit changes colour when it is ripe. Green fruit is not ready to eat. Best way of ensuring ripe is when the fruit drops off the vine. I do a daily watch when I know the fruit is ready to drop. 😊

What s the colour of the Bloom

@gauravsh6 I have just posted a photo of the bloom for you. ☺

Thanks Anenette. It is really Beautiful. How large is spread of the vine @Annettenoosa

@gauravsh6 😂🤣 Here in the sub-tropics, as long as the fence it grows on. Had one growing on a pergola at my previous property. After a few months away, returned to find the vine had covered the patio and grown over the back half of the roof of the house. Spent 3 days pulling it down and ended up with a pile of vine that could fill a semi trailer. Got a ton of passionfruit too. In a smaller garden now, smaller fence. 😊
Late Summer 2018

Passionfruit - flower and bud. Vine planted Oct 2017. Promise of first fruits. #passionfruit #panamagoldpassionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold

Now you are talking my language ! Love ❤️ those beautiful flowers--- I have a vine - nothing this year but last year LOADS ! -- before you ask , did not fertilise 👎

@whitesusan fingers crossed I get a good crop to pass some to you 🐝

💛 passionfruit (as you know!).

@brightcolours only one on vine yet. Bud dropped off. Not expecting much from 1st year crop. Next year 😍
Promise of good things. Popped a couple of trays of passionfruit into the freezer. Picked a few to add to my weekly supply, shared a few and a new crop on the way. This has to be my most successful garden story. #passionfruit #passionfruit-panamagold
Good job!!! 👏🏻🤗